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风湿病学  第2版  英文

风湿病学 第2版 英文PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:14
  • 作 者:仁卫军
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:9787506235250
  • 标注页数:429 页
  • PDF页数:445 页

Chapter 1 Scientific Basis of Rheumatic DiseasesInnate Immunity 3

Innate Versus Acquired Immunity 3

Specific,or Acquired,Immunity 6

Immune Cell-Surface Markers 7

B Cells 7

Autoantibody Production 14

T Cells 15

Inflammation 28

Inflammatory Cells 28

Neutrophils 28

Macrophages 29

Eosinophils 29

Mast Cells 29

Basophils 29

Adhesion Molecules 30

Cytokines and their Receptors 32

Mediators of the Acute-Phase Response 32

T-Cell Cytokines 34

Cellular Growth Factors 36

Mediators of Inflammation 37

Collagen 41

Structure and Biology 41

Types of Collagen 42

Collagen Metabolism 44

Annotated Bibliography 44

Chapter 2 Methodologies of Basic Research and Clinicol InvestigationMethodologles of Basic Research 49

Elisa 49

Immunofluorescence 50

Southern Blotting 50

Northern Blotting 51

Western Blotting 51

Polymerase Chain Reaction 51

Animal Models 52

Oral Tolerance 53

Transgenic and Gene Knockout Animals 54

Gene Therapy 55

Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody Technology 56

Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting 57

Methodology in Clinical Studies 58

Diagnostic Testing 60

Statistics 62

Meta-Analysis 62

Health Status Measurements 62

Annotated Bibllography 63

Chapter 3 Diagnostic Imaging of Rheumatologic DiseaseIntroduction 65

Plain Radiographs 65

Ultrasonography 67

Computed Tomography 68

Skeletal Scintigraphy 68

Magnetic Resonance Imaging 70

Summary 73

Annotated Bibllography 73

Chapert 4 Therapies For Rheumatic DiseaseNonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 74

Mechanisms of Action 74

Pharmacology 76

Toxic Effects 78

Corticosteroids 83

Pharmacology 83

Mechanism of Action 84

Effects of Corticosteroids 84

Pituitary-Adrenal Cortical Function 84

Efficacy and Utility in Specific Rheumatic Diseases 85

Antirheumatic Drugs 87

Purine Analogues 87

D-Penicillamine 89

Gold Compounds 89

Antimalarial Drugs 90

Sulfasalazine 91

Methotrexate 91

Immunomodulators 93

Cyclophosphamide 93

Chlorambucil 94

Cyclosporine 94

Investigational Agents 95

Anti-T-Cell Therapy 96

Cytokine-Directed Therapy 96

Miscellaneous Drugs 97

Colchicine 97

Allopurinol 98

Analgesics 99

Capsaicin 99

Acetaminophen 100

Antidepressants 100

Opioid Analgesics 100

Tramadol 101

Annotated Bibliography 101

Chapter 5 Rheumatoid Arthritis 107

Pathogenesis 107

Epidemiology 109

Classification Criteria 109

Clinical Features 110

Clinical Presentation 110

Cervical Spine 111

Pleuropulmonary Manifestations 111

Cardiac Manifestations 113

Feltv's Syndrome and Pseudo-Felty's Syndrome 113

RheumatoidNodules 113

Malignancy 114

Prognosis 114

Therapy 115

Background 115

General Approach to Treatment 115

Drug Therapy 116

Surgery 117

Outcome Assessment 117

Annotated Bibliography 119

Appendix 1 121

Chapter 6 Spondyloarthropathies 126

A Wider Clinical Spectrum 126

Etiopathogenesis 126

Ankylosing Spondylitis 129

Pathology 130

Clinical Features 130

Diagnosis 131

Differential Diagnosis 133

Management 133

Reactive Arthritis(Reiter's Syndrome) 134

Epidemiology 134

Clinical Featurs 134

Radiologic Findings 136

Diagnosis 136

Management 137

Psoriatic Arthritis 138

Diagnosis 138

Management 139

Enteropathic Arthritis 139

Annotated Bibliography 139

Chapter 7 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus',Antiphospholipid syndrome,and Sj?gren's SyndromeSystemic Lupus Erythematosus 142

Pathogenesis 142

Epidemiology 146

Criteria and Approach to Diagnosis 147

Clinical Features 147

Clinical Course and Prognosis 151

Treatment 151

Antiphospholipid Syndrome 153

Case Study 153

Pathogenesis 154

Clinical Features 154

Diagnostic Tests 155

Treatment 155

Sj?gren's Syndrome 156

Pathogenesis 156

Clinical Features 157

Diagnosis and Classification 158

Treatment 158

Annotated Bibliography 159

Chapter 8 Vasculitis 161

Pathogenesis 161

C?nical and Pathologic Descriptions 163

Hypersensitivity Vasculitis 163

Sch?nlein-Henoch Purpura 163

Central Nervous System Vasculitis 163

Polyarteritis Nodosa 164

Microscopic Polyangiitis 164

Wegener's Granulomatosis 164

Giant Cell Arteritis 165

Polymyalgia Rheumatica 166

Takayasu's Arteritis 166

Churg-Strauss Vasculitis 166

Mixed Cryoglobulinemia 166

Treatment 167

Annotated Bibliography 167

Chapter 9 Scleroderma and Inflammatory MyopathiesScleroderma 169

Epidemiology 169

Pathogenesis 169

Clinical Features 170

Treatment 173

Other Diseases with Skin Sclerosis 174

Inflammatory Myopathies 174

Epidemiology 174

Pathophysiology 175

Differential Diagnosis and Evaluation 178

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis 179

Inclusion Body Myositis 180

Diagnostic Testing 180

Treatment 181

Annotated Bibliography 182

Chapter 10 Pediatric Rheumatic DiseasesJuvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 185

Incidence and Pathophysiology 185

Onset Subtypes 185

Evaluation of Children with Jra 188

Management of Chronic Arthritis 189

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 189

Corticosteroids 189

Slow-Acting Antirheumatic Drugs 190

Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Arthritis 190

Mechanical Disorders 190

Acute and Chronic Infections 190

Malignancy 190

Juvenile Spondyloarthropathies 191

Inflammatory Disorders 192

Noninfectious Arthritis 192

Sch?nlein-Henoch Purpura 192

Kawasaki Disease 192

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 192

Neonatal Lupus Syndrome 192

Juvenile Dermatomyositis 192

Psychogenic Rheumatism 193

Annotated Bibliography 193

Chapter 11 Infection and Arthritis 195

Nongonococcal Septic Arthritis 195

Epidemiology 195

Pathophysiology 195

Pathogenic Organisms 196

Risk Factors 196

Clinical Manifestations 197

Diagnosis 197

Prostheric Joint Infections 198

Disseminated Gonococcal Arthritis 199

Treatment of Disseminated Gonococcal Infection 199

Treatment and Prognosis 199

Mycobacterial Arthritis 201

Fungal Arthritis 201

Hiv and Aids 201

Arthralgia 201

Fibromyalgia Syndrome 201

Reiter's Syndrome 201

Psoriatic Arthritis 202

Nonspecific Oligoarthritis 202

Septic Arthritis 202

Myositis 202

Sj?gren's-Like Syndrome 202

Vasculitis 203

Autoantibodies 203

Hepatitis B and Parvovirus 204

Lyme Disease 204

Epidemiology 204

Clinical Features 205

The Three Stages of Lyme Disease 205

Confirming The Diagnosis With Testing 206

Treatment 207

Prevention 209

Annotated Bibliography 209

Chapter 12 Other Arthropathies 211

Hemophilic Arthropathy 211

Sickle Cell Disease 211

Poems 212

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis 212

Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy 213

Amyloid Arthropathies 213

Al Amyloid 214

Aa Amyloid 214

Sarcoidosis 214

Annotated Bibliography 214

Chapter 13 Rheumatic Disease and ReproductionIntroduction 216

Sexuality and Arthritis 216

Contraception 217

Pregnancy 218

Physiologic Changes of Normal Pregnancy 218

Drug Therapy and Reproduction 219

Pregnancy and Specific Rheumatic Diseases 220

Lactation 224

Musculoskeletal Disorders 224

Annotated Bibliography 225

Chapter 14 Crystal Disorders 226

Crystal Identiffcation 226

Gout 226

Etiopathogenesis of Hyperuricemia 226

Pathophysiology of Gouty Arthritis 228

Polyarticular Gout 228

Gout in Elderly Persons 228

Precocious Familial Gout 229

Drug-Induced Hyperuricemia and Gout 229

Risk Factors for Acute Gout 229

Gout as a Risk Factor for Coronary Disease 229

Hyperuricemic Treatment 229

Treatment of Acute Gout 229

Treatment to Lower Serum Urate 230

Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease 230

Pathophysiology 230

Familial(Hereditary)Articular Chondrocalcinosis 231

Secondary Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Disease 231

Hydroxyapatite (Basic Calcium Phosphate Disease) 231

Other Crystals Associated with Arthritis 232

Joint Problems Associated with Chronic Renal Failure 232

Crystal-Induced Arthritis 232

Septic Arthritis 233

B2-Microglobutin Amyloidosis 233

Osteonecrosis 235

Annotated Bibliography 235

Chapter 15 Bone and Cartilage DisordersOsteoarthritis 237

Epidemiology 237

Classification 238

The Components of Cartilage 238

Tissue Charges 240

Clinical Manifestations 240

Diagnosis 241

Treatment 241

Paget's Disease of Bone 242

Etiology 242

Histopathology 242

Biochemical Markers 242

Clinical Features 244

Therapy 244

Osteoporesis 245

Differential Diagnosis 245

Pathophysiology 245

Clinical Manifestations 247

Diagnosis 249

Management 251

Summary 254

Annotated Bibliography 254

Chapter 16 Soft Tissue and Regional Pain DisordersAxial Pain Syndromes:Back and Neck Pain 258

Mechanism 258

Clinical Evaluation 259

Treatment 265

Sports Medicine 266

Upper Extremities 267

The Shoulder 267

The Elbow 271

The Wrist 271

Lower Extremities 271

The Hip 271

Ischiogluteal Bursitis 272

The Knee 272

The Foot 276

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome 279

Fibromyalgia Syndrome 280

Epidemiology 280

Natural History 280

Diagnosis 280

Association with Other Conditions 281

Pathophysiology 281

Association with Psychological Disturbance 281

Studies of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow 283

Treatment 283

Annotated Bibliography 285

Chapter 17 Total Joint Replacement and ArthroscopyTotal Joint Replacement 288

Indications and Contraindications 288

Preoperative Planning 288

Postoperative Care 289

Total Hip Replacement 289

Total Knee Replacement 295

Total Shoulder Replacement 298

Total Elbow Replacement 298

Total Ankle Replacement 299

F?ture Directions for Total Joint Replacement 299

Arthroscopy 300

The Knee Joint 300

The Shoulder Joint 301

Elbow,Wrist,and Hip 301

Complications of Arthroscopy 302

Annotated Bibliography 302

Chapter 18 Rehabilitation 305

Introduction 305

Methods of Rehabilitation 305

Exercise 305

Rest and Splinting 305

Thermal Therapy 306

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation 306

Mobilization Techniques 306

Spa Therapy 306

Aids and Appliances 307

Rehabilitation of Specific Joints 307

Knee 307

Ankle/Foot 307

Shoulder 307

Elbow 308

Hand/Wrist 308

Cervical Spine 308

Annotated Bibliography 308

Self-Assessment Test 311

General Instructions 311

Multiple-Choice Questions 312

Answers and Critiques 349

Instructions for Scoring 409

Normal Laboratory Values 410

Index 412

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