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Aboriginal Title

Aboriginal TitlePDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:P.G. McHugh
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 标注页数:356 页
  • PDF页数:374 页

1. Profile of a Modern Jurisprudence—An Idea whose Time had Come 1

2. Common Law Aboriginal Title and its Pipers at the Gate of Dawn—Gestation (1970s) and Breakthrough (1980s) 25

3. Doctrinal Pathways in Canada and Australia —The Devil in the Detail of a Maturing Jurisprudence 106

4. Aboriginal Title in the New Century and New Contexts: Fraternal Impact, International Influence 189

5. Aboriginal Title Within and Across Disciplinary Boundaries—Anthropologists, Historians, and Political Philosophers 240

6. Aboriginal Title—Diagnosis and Prognosis 328

Select Bibliography 341

Index 351

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