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中美关系专题研究  1995-1997

中美关系专题研究 1995-1997PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:17
  • 作 者:林正义主编
  • 出 版 社:中央研究院欧美研究所
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:9576716160
  • 标注页数:560 页
  • PDF页数:571 页

第一章 低阶政治:中美经贸关系,1995-1996&何思因 1

第二章 美国一九九四年乌拉圭回合协定法对中美关系之含意&罗昌发 21

第三章 美国对中共参与W TO之政策&林钦明 53

第四章 美国政治献金案与中美关系&郑端耀 77

第五章 一九九五~一九九六年台海危机:华府、北京与台北之决策失误检讨&裘兆琳 99

第六章 一九九五~一九九六年台海危机:美国国会的反应&林正义 145

第七章 一九九五~一九九六年台海危机:日本的观点&张隆义 185

附录Ⅰ中文文献 211

第一部分:中华民国政府说帖、总统及行政院长言论选集 211

一、中华民国外交部「中华民国与联合国」政策说帖(84年8月) 211

二、中华民国行政院新闻局「中美关系与务实外交答客问」(86年5月) 216

三、《民之所欲,长在我心》—李总统登辉先生在美国康乃尔大学欧林讲座演讲词(84年6月9日) 220

四、李总统赴美访问返国记者会纪录(84年6月12日) 225

五、李总统接受美国纽约时报驻华府外交事务专栏作家费德曼(Thomas L.Friedman)书面访问(84年9月) 233

六、李总统亲临台北美侨商会暨中华民国留美同学会讲话(85年1月24日) 235

七、李总统接见国际媒体茶会讲话(85年3月20日) 238

八、李总统亲临第二十届中、美工商界联合会议讲话(85年12月9日) 239

九、行政院连院长有关中共飞弹演习新闻指示稿(85年3月5日) 240

第二部分:中美政经文教交流互访纪录 242

一、美国政府官员访华纪录 242

二、美国国会议员访华纪录 242

三、美国国会议员助理访华纪录 244

四、美国各州州长、重要官员及参众议员访华纪录 246

五、美国各郡、市长及全国性协会访华纪录 248

六、国内赴美访问之主要团体 250

附录Ⅱ英文文献 261

第一部分:美国外交政策(对中华民国、东亚及中共)文献 261

1.Intellectual Property Rights and U.S.-China Relations 261

2.Comprehensive Engagement in U.S.-China Relations 264

3.Taiwan and the United Nations 266

4.America’s Long-Term Interest in Hong Kong 270

5.U.S.Policy Toward China: Security and Military Considerations 276

6.Restoring Positive Momentum in U.S.-China Relations 279

7.The United States and the Security of Taiwan (February 1996) 281

8.The United States and the Security of Taiwan (March 1996) 286

9.American Interests and the U.S.-China Relationship 292

10.The MFN Decision and U.S.-China Relations 297

11.U.S.-China Relationship 302

12.Hong Kong’s Progress Toward Reversion: Implications for the U.S 305

13.The U.S.and China: Cooperating on Common Concerns 313

14.Remarks by Anthony Lake Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs to the Japan-America Society 314

15.The United States and China: Building a New Era of Cooperation for a New Century 319

16.Strengthening U.S.-China Ties 324

17.Testimony on Hong Kong (February 1997) 327

18.Building a New Consensus on China 335

19.Engaging China 338

20.China After Deng Xiaoping 342

21.Law Enforcement Relationship Between U.S.and Hong Kong 348

22.Sino-American Relations and U.S.Policy Options 352

23.Testimony on Hong Kong (April 1997) 357

24.U.S.Policy Toward Tibet 366

25.Albright on China MFN 371

26.Normal Trade with China 377

27.China on the Threshold of a New Era 383

28.U.S.-China Relations and the China Policy Act of 1997 388

29.U.S.-China Bilateral Meeting 392

30.Remarks by President Clinton in Address on China and the National Interest 395

31.White House Briefing by Albright and Berger on U.S.-China Summit 401

32.Vice President Gore Announces United States and China Advance Energy and Environment Cooperation 408

33.Press Conference by President Clinton and President Jiang Zemin 409

34.Joint U.S.-China Statement (October 1997) 418

第二部分:一九九七年美国国务院对台湾、中共与香港之人权及经贸报告 422

1.Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1997: Taiwan 422

2.Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1997: China 436

3.Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1997: Hong Kong 476

4.1997 Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices: Taiwan 492

5.1997 Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices: China 499

6.1997 Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices: Hong Kong 510

第三部分:一九九五至一九九六年驻美国台北经济文化代表处与美国在台协会之重要协定文献 516

1.Exchange of Letters Between TECRO and AIT on January 3, 1995, Mutually Agreeing that CCNAA’S Name Change to TECRO Does Not Affect Its Rights, Responsibilities or Status 516

2.Memorandum of Agreement Between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan for Release of an “ENPEP” Computer Software Package 518

3.Agreement on Technical Cooperation in Conservation of Flora and Fauna Between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan 523

4.Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in Labor Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan 527

5.Joint Determination Post-Irradiation Examination of Fuel from the Kuo-Sheng Nuclear Power Station Between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan 530

6.Exchange of Letters Between TECRO and AIT Concerning Joint Research Program in the Area of “Environmental Restoration and Waste Management” Pursuant to the Agreement Relating to the Establishment of a Joint Standing Committee on Civil Nuclear Cooperation 531

7.Memorandum of Understanding and Between the Taipei Economic Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan [Concerning Trademark and Patent Priority Right] 534

8.Agreement Between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan on TECRO/AIT Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods 537

索引 547

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