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Selected Papers on Planned Parenthood Volume 16 Trends & Progress of The International Contraceptive

Selected Papers on Planned Parenthood Volume 16 Trends & Progress of The International ContraceptivePDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1978
  • ISBN:
  • 标注页数:249 页
  • PDF页数:259 页

World Health Organization Special Programme of Research,Development & Research Training in Human Reproduction sixth Annual Report (November 1977) 1

1.Overview 1

The Need for Research 3

WHO's Programme 3

Technology 4

Acceptability & Service Delivery 6

National Self-Reliance in Research 7

International Scope of the Programme 9

Coordination 10

With Other Agencies 10

Within WHO 11

Mechanisms for Strategy Formulation,Project Review,Programme Implementation,Evaluation & Coordination 11

Funding 12

Annex 14

2.Task Forces for Collaborative Research & Development of Methods of Fertility Regulation 15

2.1 Oral Contraceptives 15

Comparative Clinical Trials 15

Metabolic Studies in Healthy Women 16

Lactation 17

In the Presence of Deficiency & Disease States 18

Interactions Between Oral Contraceptives & Drugs 18

Long-Term Effects 18

2.2 Intra-Uterine Devices for Fertility Regulation 21

Safety & Efficacy of Current IUDs 21

Development of Improved & New IUDs 23

Mechanism of Bleeding 24

Pain & Expulsion 25

New Post-Placental IUDs 26

Other Studies 26

2.3 Long-Acting Systemic Agents 27

Safety & Efficacy of Available Compounds 27

Development of New Long-Acting Systemic Agents 32

2.4 Methods for the Determination of the Fertile Period 36

Assessment of Currently Available Methods 36

Improvement of Service Delivery 37

Evaluation of Physiological Events 38

Assay Kit Development 39

Device Development 41

2.5 Female Sterilization 42

Surgical Methods 42

Non-Surgical Methods 43

Reversal of Sterilization 44

2.6 Assessment of the Sequelae of Abortion 46

Short-Term Complications 46

Long-Term Sequelae 51

Health Service Implications of Induced Abortion 54

Illegal Abortion 55

2.7 Prostaglandins 56

Termination of 1st Trimester Pregnancy 56

Termination of 2nd Trimester Pregnancy 59

Analyses of Prostaglandins in Human Plasma 60

Development of Vaginal Delivery Systems 61

Prostaglandins & Prostaglandin Inhibitors 61

2.8 Vaginal Rings & Cervical Devices 63

Vaginal Rings 63

Intra-Cervical Devices 65

Other Approaches 67

2.9 Indigenous Plants 69

2.10 Anti-Implantation Agents 73

2.11 Methods for the Regulation of Male Fertility 76

Clinical Trials 76

Synthesis of New Compounds 80

Inhibin 81

Androgon Binding Protein 83

Inhibition of Sperm Maturation 84

2.12 Post-Ovulatory Methods 85

2.13 Immunological Methods 87

Placental Antigens 87

Sperm Antigens 93

Zona Pellucida Antigens 94

Reference Bank for Reproductive Immunology 95

2.14 Intranasal Administration of Steroids 96

2.15 Acceptability of Research in Family Planning 95

Male Methods 98

Patterns & Perceptions of Menstrual Bleeding 101

Routs of Administration 103

Preferences in a Free Choice Situation 104

Research on Methods Undergoing Clinical Trial 105

Other Acceptability Research 109

Development of Resources for Acceptability Research 110

2.16 Service Research in Family Planning 111

2.17 Diagnosis & Treatment of Infertility 115

3.Collaborating Centres for Clinical Research in Human Reproduction 116

4.Collaborating Centres for Research & Training in Human Reproduction 119

Delhi RTC 119

Moscow RTC 121

Mexico RTC 122

South American RTC 122

Stockholm RTC 123

Research Training Activities 127

5.Research Training 128

6.Other Programmes 130

Standardization & Quality Control of Laboratory Procedures 130

Small Supplies & Journal Subscriptions 134

Seminars,Workshops & Publications 135

7.Relations with Industry 136

8.Statement of Expected Income & Estimated Obligations for 1977 137

Annual Report of Research & Training Gentre for Human Reproduction of WHO in 1977,Stockholm 140

1.Prostaglandins in Fertility Regulation 141

Studies on Prostaglandins in Relations to Their Use for Termination of Pregnancy 141

Roles of Prostaglandins & Thromboxanes in Reproductive Physiology 154

2.Long-Acting Systemic Agents 160

Hormonal Parameters Charcterizing the Normal Menstrual Cycle 161

Correlation of the Bleeding Pattern with Endometrial Histology,Plasma Levels of Norethisterone,Endogenous Steroids & Gonadotrophins 165

3.Development of Assay Techniques 178

Methods for Steroid Analysis 178

Methods for Protein & Polypeptide Hormones 187

Methods for Prostaglandins & Prostaglandin Intermediates,Metabolites & Analogues 195

Annual Report of Research & Training Centre for Human Reproduction of WHO in 1977,New Delhi 198

1.Anti-HCG Vaccine 199

Purification of HCG & Its Beta Subnit from Pregnancy Urine 199

Toxicology Studies 200

Studies on the Immune Complexes 201

Testing of Fertility & Related Issues 204

Biology & Sites of Action of HCG 205

Investigations on the Optimal Does of the Pr-β-HCG-TT Vaccine,Interinjection Interval & the Nature of Adsorbent for Arriving at a Two Injection Schedule for Primary Immunization 208

Sub-Acute Toxicity Studies of Pr-β-HCG-TT in Rats 211

Abstracts of Papers Presented in Professional Conferences & Symposia 215

2.Male Methods of Fertility Control 222

Annual Report of Research & Training Centre for Human Reproduction of WHO in 1977,Moscow 231

1.Prostaglandins for Fertility Regulation 232

2.Endocrine Aspects of Contraception 238

3.New Trends 247

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