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东亚建筑遗产的历史和未来 东亚建筑文化国际研讨会·南京2004优秀论文集

东亚建筑遗产的历史和未来 东亚建筑文化国际研讨会·南京2004优秀论文集PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:东南大学建筑学院编
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7564102195
  • 标注页数:400 页
  • PDF页数:409 页

查看更多关于东亚建筑遗产的历史和未来 东亚建筑文化国际研讨会·南京2004优秀论文集的内容


第1部分 城市化进程中的建筑遗产保护 2

地域建筑保存与地方永续发展之策略——以台湾金门传统聚落为例&陈海曙 2

Strategies of Preserving Regional Architecture for Local Sustainable Development:A Case Study of the Kinmen Traditional Settlements in Taiwan&CHEN Hai-Shu 10

A View on History and Futu re of Heritage Architecture in the Hanoi Area&DANG Thai Hoang 19

Territorial Conservation in the Context of Eco-development:The Case of R?ros,Norway&HATANO So 24

The Future of Cultural Heritage Conservation amid Urbanization in Asia:Constraints and Prospects&Vimolsiddhi HORAYANGKURA 31

A Study on Authenticity of the Restoration of Noh Stage&OKUTOMI Toshiyuki 39

效用理论与建筑遗产评估&王涛 43

A Plan to Preservation and Management as Historic Cultural Environment for a City Foundation Establishment Manseokgeo of World Cultural Heritage Hwaseong&YUN Jin-young LEE Sang-hae 46

江南丘陵地带遗址布局研究中的方法论介绍&朱光亚 诸葛净 张轶群 50

On Methodology of Research on Heritage Site's Original Plan in Hilly Land of South China&ZHU Guangya ZHUGE Jing ZHANG Yiqun 57

第2部分 东亚建筑文化 66

权力变迁与村落结构的演化——以静升村为例&陈捷 张昕 66

The Change of Power and the Evalution of Village Structure—Jingsheng Village as an Example&CHEN Jie ZHANG Xin 72

数字化时代的方法成长——21世纪中国建筑史研究漫谈&陈薇 80

历史园林寻真&郭黛姮 85

中国的人文与自然&汉宝德 90

朝鲜前期景福宫外朝—廓的礼制运营与建筑形式的研究&韩东洙 张宰赫 93

A Study on the Architectural Norms and Ritual Operation of Gyungbok Palace in the Former Joseon Dynasty&HAN Dong-soo CHANG Jae-hyeok 96

Ceremony,Order and Space The Variety of the Building Types in the Kyoto Imperial Palace and the Ceremonies&KAWAMOTO Shigeo 97

Redefining Architecture:An East Asian Approach&KIM Sung-woo 103

探究行宫园林意象图式的生成&孔俊婷 109

The Studying on the Formation of Imago and Pattern in Xanadu Garden&KONG Junting 113

Architectural Characte ristics and Historical Assessment of Festival Chariots in Isesaki of the Joshu Province&KUROTSU Takayuki 120

20世纪初期的台湾寺庙&李乾朗 129

Temples of Taiwan in the Early 20th Century&LEE Chien-lang 140

Plurality and Diversity of Architectural History—In Case of Neo-Confucian World View of China and Its Reflection on the Architecture of Korea's Private Academies&LEE Sang-Hae 143

“辨章学术、考镜源流”——中国营造学社建筑历史文献学贡献刍议&刘江峰 王其亨 148

The Philology Contribution of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture&Liu Jiangfeng Wang Qiheng 155

汉代陶楼明器&刘叙杰 162

The Multi-storied Pottery Building from Burial Objects of Han Dynasty&LIU Xujie 168

从家屋到文化馆——公共文化空间的文化生产过程&邱咏婷 郭丰原 174

中国先秦的园林建筑艺术&孙华 183

归复祖制、承前启后的定陵&王其亨 曾辉 187

佛陀伽耶与金刚宝座&萧默 194

论中国环境·建筑·文化——《巴史别观》结语&张良皋 196

“柳浪闻莺”的语言阐释——关于汉语与园林意象的问卷调查分析&庄岳 邬东? 199

Linguistic Interpretation of"Liu Lang Wen Ying":Analysis of a Survey of Chinese Language and Garden Images&ZHUANG Yue WU Dongfan 204

第3部分 大木体系与工艺 212

From Tower to Pagoda—Structural and Technological Transition in Ancient China&GUO Qinghua 212

A Study on the Connection Method of Wooden Structure Found at Geuklakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa Temple in Korea&JUNG Yun-Sang LEE Sang-Hae 221

On the Carpentry Works of the Buddhist Monks in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea&KIM Dang-Uk 227

Trading Spirit and Knowledge in the Restoration of Traditional Carpentry Technology:A Cultural Mechanism in a Rural Japanese Carpentry Society of Kesen-daiku(気仙大工)&Izumi KUROISHI 233

从马王堆3号和1号墓看西汉初期墓葬设计的用尺问题&赖德霖 240

The Yingzao Fashi in the Information Age&Andrew I-kang LI 243

Technique and Meanings of Jin-style Truss&LI Xinjian LI Lan 255

对高丽时代凤停寺极乐殿及浮石寺无量寿殿之建筑样式的考察——与中国唐代、五代建筑的比较&柳成龙 朱南哲 263

台湾板椽屋面与出檐木构架做法&阎亚宁 温峻玮 蔡宜恬 267

The Roof Flat Rafter and Eave Wood Frame Construction Work of Traditional Architecture in Taiwan&YEN Ya-ning WEN Chun-wei TSAI Yi-tian 273

中国古代大木结构建筑演化过程中的几个重要问题的再思考&张宏 280

部分与整体——中国古代建筑模数制发展的两大阶段&张十庆 286

第4部分 城市史研究 290

The Path of Influence of the Ideal Chinese Capital Plan Chinese-Korean Diplomacy in the 5th and 6th Centuries&Peter Garth ARMSTRONG 290

隋唐至元代宫殿朝区钟、鼓楼的演变&贺从容 297

The Evolution of Bell and Drum Towers in Palaces from Sui and Tang Dynasties(589-907 AD)to Yuan Dynasty(1279-1368 AD)&HE Congrong 304

明清大运河沿线的集散市镇——清江浦&刘捷 314

“五亩之宅”与“十家之坊”及古代园宅、里坊制度探&王贵祥 323

"A House with the size of Fivemu"and"A Block of Ten Families"—A Research on the Principles of Ancient Chinese House Compounds and City Blocks&WANG Guixiang 332

清代台湾城市道路系统与土地使用&郑钦方 刘彦良 阎亚宁 344

第5部分 近代建筑史研究 350

Park and Urban Reform:Hankou Zhongshan Park in the Early 20th Century&LI Shiqiao ZHANG Tianjie 350

Reinterpretation of Chinese Traditional Dwelling Culture—By Case of the Evolution of Shanghai Linong Dwelling Forms in the Recent History&TAN Ying Peter G.ARMSTRONG 358

天津市海河右岸原租界区意象及形态的研究与分析&王可尧 367

The Research on the Image and Form of Pre-concession District on Haihe River Right Bank in Tianjin&Wang Keyao 377

作为中国建筑学术先行者的林徽因&赵辰 389

附录:会场安排 397

查看更多关于东亚建筑遗产的历史和未来 东亚建筑文化国际研讨会·南京2004优秀论文集的内容
