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  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:赵小东等编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7563216278
  • 标注页数:257 页
  • PDF页数:265 页
标签:田径 项目

Part 1 Introduction to Track and Field(田径介绍) 1

Part 2 Track Events(径赛) 7

Chapter 1:The Sprints(短距离跑) 11

Chapter 2:Middle-Distance Running(中距离跑) 39

Chapter 3:Long-Distance Running(长距离跑) 56

Chapter 4:Relay Race(接力跑) 78

Chapter 5:Steeplechase(障碍赛跑) 94

Chapter 6:Hurdling(跨栏跑) 100

Chapter 7:Walking(竞走) 116

Part 3 Field Events(田赛) 128

Chapter 8:Long Jump(跳远) 129

Chapter 9:High Jump(跳高) 144

Chapter 10:Triple Jump(三级跳远) 160

Chapter 11:Pole Vault(撑杆跳) 168

Chapter 12:The Shot Put(铅球) 182

Chapter 13:The Discus Throw(铁饼) 195

Chapter 14:The Javelin Throw(标枪) 207

Chapter 15:Hammer Throw(链球) 220

Chapter 16:Decathlon(男子十项全能) 231

Chapter 17:Heptathlon(女子七项全能) 237

附录一:Gold Medalists in Some of the Discontinued Track and Field Events(奥运会中曾设田径项目及其金牌得主) 242

附录二:Olympic Track and Field Records(田径奥运会纪录) 247

附录三:Track and Field's World Records(田径世界纪录) 250

附录四:本书中出现的世界各国、地区缩写及全称 254

参考文献 257

