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袖珍幽默300篇  英汉对照

袖珍幽默300篇 英汉对照PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:耿阿齐编译
  • 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7508239172
  • 标注页数:188 页
  • PDF页数:223 页

查看更多关于袖珍幽默300篇 英汉对照的内容


1.The Other Half 1

2.Electricity and Lightning 1

3.Hill and Pill 1

4.Me 1

5.Is He Right? 2

6.I Wish 2

7.Six Animals 2

8.An Apple Pie 2

9.Hippopotamus 3

10.The Same Cat 3

11.An Interesting Student 3

12.Four Days 3

13.A Clever Student 4

14.Zero 4

15.An Interesting Answer 4

16.Feet and Yard 5

17.Two Pronouns 5

18.Where Is Your Pencil? 5

19.Is He a Good Pupil? 6

20.That's Not My Coat 6

21.Friday 6

22.My Arithmetic Is Poor Too 6

23.A Fullback 7

24.My Father Is Bald 7

25.We Know Everything 7

26.The Wrong Answer 7

27.They All Have 8

28.What Is a Skeleton? 8

29.What Does That Mean? 8

30.Order 9

31.On Page 18 9

32.Five Things 9

33.An Essay 9

34.Why Is Jason Late? 10

35.Catching the Train 10

36.Not a Good Pupil 10

37.Five Minutes 10

38.Fingers 11

39.Is Tom Clever? 11

40.Quiet 11

41.Three? 11

42.I Don't Know 12

43.A Cow 12

44.I Understand Your Question 12

45.Does Tom Like Talking? 13

46.Who Found America? 13

47.Father Helped Me 13

48.What's the Shape of the Earth? 14

49.My Mother Doesn't Know French 14

50.He Will Beat Me 14

51.Heat and Cold 15

52.Which Is Nearer to Us? 15

53.Why Are You Late Again? 15

54.A Cunning Pupil 16

55.Eggs 16

56.Two Watches 16

57.Oxygen 17

58.What's Your Coat Made of? 17

59.Remember This 17

60.Why Are You Always Late? 18

61.Where Were You Born? 18

62.Four Elements 18

63.Telephone Number 19

64.Whose Memory Is Better? 19

65.Cinema 19

66.A Duster 20

67.Where Is the Cat? 20

68.Who Did Your Homework? 20

69.Why Is His Handwriting Poor? 21

70.What Is a Synonym? 21

71.Great Event 21

72.How Do You Find Out? 22

73.Who Can Spell"Banana"? 22

74.An Abstract Noun 22

75.Does Tom Know? 23

76.X Is Equal to Zero 23

77.What Did I Say? 23

78.He Started It First 24

79.Cowhide 24

80.Why Study? 24

81.Not in the Least 25

82.Who Is a Fool? 25

83.Is Tom's Answer Interesting? 25

84.Is Tom's Father Clever? 25

85.I Wish I Could 26

86.A Strange Answer 26

87.The Formula for Water 26

88.Ten Potatoes 27

89.I Don't Think You Can Do It 27

90.Is Tom a Miser? 27

91.Iceland 27

92.Procrastination 28

93.Ladies First 28

94.Why Is Tom Late? 28

95.Where Do You Get Sugar From? 29

96.I Hate to Write Essays 29

97.Ink 29

98.Oxygen and Nitrogen 30

99.What's a Weapon? 30

100.Mr Tom 30

101.Wasting Time 31

102.What's the Biggest? 31

103.A Clever Answer 31

104.Six Wars 32

105.They Have All Left the Shop 32

106.At Night 33

107.Tom and His Teacher 33

108.What Is Water? 33

109.Is Tom Good at Geography? 34

110.Why Is Tom Late? 34

111.A Happy Father 35

112.I'm Waiting for My Secretary 35

113.I'm My Father 35

114.Collecting Stamps 35

115.The English Alphabet 36

116.Where Is the Printing Factory? 36

117.It Wasn't Me 37

118.Answer the Question 37

119.Who Is the King of the Beasts? 37

120.Dirty Hands 38

121.The Same Age 38

122.Please Give Me a Zero 38

123.Homework 39

124.What's Your Father's Name? 39

125.How Old Is Tom? 40

126.What's the Difference? 40

127.Making a Living 40

128.Train and Bus 41

129.I'm Having a Cigar 41

130.My Uncle Is Dead 41

131.Hands and Homework 42

132.Why Doesn't Tom Wash His Face? 42

133.One Eye 43

134.Only One 43

135.The Earth and the Sun 43

136.Tom's Composition 44

137.A poem 44

138.Poor Handwriting 45

139.Light 45

140.Long Necks 45

141.How Do You Know? 45

142.Are You Still Growing? 46

143.Eggs 46

144.On the Globe 46

145.Water 47

146.How Much Is One Plus Three? 47

147.It's Saturday Tomorrow 47

148.He Was an Officer 48

149.Bring My Father with Me 48

150.In the Bathroom 48

151.You Don't Know My Father 49

152.The Dead Sea 49

153.It Wasn't My Fault 49

154.I Kissed Her Face 50

155.The Consequence 50

156.Cross the Ocean 50

157.Tom's Example 51

158.Say That to Herself 51

159.He Knows the Answer 51

160.Who Knows? 52

161.Are You Asleep? 52

162.Monkey and Flea 52

163.Tenor and Bass 52

164.Before an Examination 53

165.A Fish-net 53

166.Three Pairs of Glasses 53

167.An Interesting Student 54

168.Can He Sleep? 54

169.Is Tom a Good Student? 54

170.Aren't You Ashamed of Yourself? 54

171.Father and Son 55

172.Is Tom's Answer Right? 55

173.A Simple Answer 55

174.I Know 56

175.An Eclipse of the Sun 56

176.He Has to Be Quiet 56

177.Is Tom's Answer Interesting? 56

178.Hot Towel 57

179.Class Is Over 57

180.I'm Writing to My Friend 57

181.Is Tom Lazy? 58

182.A Tail 58

183.A Drum 58

184.An Interesting Question 59

185.I Didn't Have Time to Take Them Off 59

186.Is Mary Clever? 59

187.Mother and Daughter 60

188.A Big Face 60

189.Our Teacher Is Very Changeable 60

190.Why Is He Crying? 61

191.Parrot and Slang 61

192.Silly Tom 61

193.Poor Husband 61

194.Motor Trouble 62

195.Do You Know Why? 62

196.Extra Service 62

197.Too Careless 63

198.Make a Sentence 63

199.Why Do Fish Live in Water? 63

200.That's Your Soup 63

201.The Cat and the Mouse 64

202.A Sweet Dream 64

203.It Doesn't Matter 64

204.He Is Good at Woodcut 64

205.Who Is Pulling? 65

206.The Piano 65

207.Are You Going to Change Your Job? 65

208.I Saw Him Pass the Window 66

209.What Else Do You Want? 66

210.Is Tom Clever? 66

211.What Does He Want to Borrow? 67

212.Too Clean 67

213.A Gift 67

214.Does Tom Like Reading? 68

215.Who Broke the Window? 68

216.Not a Good Student 68

217.What Are You Doing Here? 69

218.The Thief's Habit 69

219.This Car Has No Brake 69

220.Is the Sun a Coward? 70

221.Who Is Naughty? 70

222.Why Has Tom Married Lucy? 70

223.Counting 70

224.A Fly 71

225.No Driver 71

226.What's the Fly Doing? 71

227.Tom's Birthday 72

228.How about Next Week? 72

229.Does Mary Agree? 72

230.What Did He Paint? 73

231.They Are Grown-ups 73

232.He Wants Me to Be a Guard 73

233.Worry 74

234.Is He a Good Dentist? 74

235.A Clever Patient 74

236.Where Is the Button? 74

237.Where Is the Fly? 75

238.Go to Heaven 75

239.The Easiest Thing 75

240.An Optimist 75

241.My Dog Can't Read 76

242.Telephone Directory 76

243.Hot Dog 76

244.Saving a Meal 76

245.Homework 77

246.Why Can't Fish Speak? 77

247.Why Is Mary Crying? 77

248.A New Pipe 78

249.You Both Owe Me 200 Dollars 78

250.Too Cold 78

251.No Patience 79

252.Nothing to Nothing 79

253.A Train Engineer 79

254.Who Can Stop a Truck? 80

255.Power Cut 80

256.Tom's Birthday 80

257.Two Fools 81

258.I'm Not a Fortune Teller 81

259.Only Once 81

260.The Vendor and the Boy 81

261.I'll Take Two 82

262.She Hid His False Teeth 82

263.A Silly Boy 82

264.An Interesting Answer 83

265.What's Your Favourite Fruit? 83

266.Fear of Heights 83

267.Who Is Bigger? 84

268.Who Is a Miser? 84

269.My First Worry 84

270.I'm Never in Doubt 85

271.Rabbits 85

272.Mixed Doubles 85

273.No Need to Change Them 86

274.Black Hens Are More Clever 86

275.Does Tom Get Up Very Early? 86

276.A Picture of God 87

277.What's Wrong with the Mice? 87

278.Ax and Piano 87

279.Give Me a Dollar 88

280.Are You Copying His Sums? 88

281.Somebody 88

282.Give Me One of Yesterday's 89

283.An Idiot 89

284.Why Are You Jumping? 89

285.A Hole 90

286.I'm Ten Today 90

287.He Fell Inside 90

288.I'll Have the Other One 91

289.I'll Go There at Night 91

290.He Can't Spell CATERPILLAR 91

291.The Best Present 92

292.A Piece of Rope 92

293.Who Are Fighting 92

294.General Brock 93

295.Six Apples 93

296.Is His Answer Right? 93

297.A Clever Answer 93

298.Who Did His Homework? 94

299.Sometimes I Like My Teacher 94

300.An Ugly Baby 94

1.另一半 96

2.电和闪电 96

3.小山和药丸 96

4.我 96

5.他说的对吗? 97

6.但愿 97

7.六种动物 97

8.苹果馅饼 97

9.河马 98

10.同一只猫 98

11.一位有趣儿的学生 98

12.四天 98

13.聪明的学生 99

14.零分 99

15.有趣的回答 99

16.英尺和码 99

17.两个代词 100

18.你的铅笔在哪儿? 100

19.他是个好学生吗? 100

20.那不是我的上衣 101

21.星期五 101

22.我的算术也很差 101

23.后卫 101

24.我爸爸是秃子 102

25.无所不知 102

26.错误的答案 102

27.每个月都有 102

28.骨骼是什么? 103

29.那是什么意思? 103

30.安静 103

31.在第18页上 103

32.五种东西 104

33.一篇作文 104

34.贾森为什么迟到? 104

35.赶火车 104

36.不是个好学生 105

37.五分钟 105

38.手指 105

39.汤姆聪明吗? 105

40.安静 106

41.三只? 106

42.不知道 106

43.一头母牛 106

44.我明白您的问题 107

45.汤姆喜欢说话吗? 107

46.谁发现的美洲? 107

47.爸爸还帮我写呢 108

48.地球是什么形状的? 108

49.我妈妈不会法语 108

50.他会揍我一顿 109

51.热和冷 109

52.哪一个离我们更近? 109

53.你为什么又迟到了? 110

54.狡猾的学生 110

55.鸡蛋 110

56.两块手表 111

57.氧气 111

58.你的外套是用什么做的? 111

59.记住这一点 112

60.你为什么总迟到? 112

61.你出生在哪里? 112

62.四种元素 112

63.电话号码 113

64.谁的记忆力更好? 113

65.电影院 113

66.一把掸子 113

67.小猫在哪儿? 114

68.谁替你写的作业? 114

69.他的书法为什么很差? 114

70.什么是同义词? 115

71.大事 115

72.你怎么发现的? 115

73.谁会拼写“香蕉”一词? 116

74.抽象名词 116

75.汤姆知道吗? 116

76.X等于零 117

77.我说什么了? 117

78.是他先做的 117

79.牛皮 117

80.为什么学习? 118

81.一点儿都不想 118

82.谁是傻瓜? 118

83.汤姆的回答有趣吗? 119

84.汤姆的爸爸聪明吗? 119

85.但愿我能 119

86.奇怪的回答 119

87.水的分子式 120

88.十个土豆 120

89.我认为您做不了这种事 120

90.汤姆是个吝啬鬼吗? 121

91.冰岛 121

92.拖延 121

93.女士优先 121

94.汤姆为什么迟到? 122

95.你从哪儿弄到的糖? 122

96.我讨厌写作文 122

97.墨水 123

98.氧气和氮气 123

99.武器是什么? 123

100.汤姆先生 123

101.浪费时间 124

102.什么最大? 124

103.妙答 124

104.六次战争 125

105.他们都会离开商店 125

106.在夜里 125

107.汤姆和他的老师 126

108.水是何物? 126

109.汤姆擅长地理吗? 126

110.汤姆为什么迟到? 127

111.自豪的爸爸 127

112.我在等秘书 127

113.我是我爸爸 128

114.集邮 128

115.英语字母表 128

116.印刷厂在哪儿? 129

117.不是我干的 129

118.回答问题 129

119.谁是百兽之王? 130

120.脏手 130

121.同岁 130

122.请给我打零分 130

123.作业 131

124.你爸爸叫什么名字? 131

125.汤姆多大了? 131

126.有什么区别? 132

127.谋生 132

128.火车和公共汽车 132

129.我在吸雪茄 132

130.我叔叔死了 133

131.手和作业 133

132.汤姆为什么不洗脸? 133

133.一只眼 134

134.只有一只 134

135.地球和太阳 134

136.汤姆的作文 135

137.一首诗 135

138.糟糕的书法 135

139.光 136

140.长脖子 136

141.你怎么知道的? 136

142.您还在长吗? 136

143.鸡蛋 137

144.在地球仪上 137

145.水 137

146.1加3等于几? 137

147.明天是星期六 138

148.他是军官 138

149.我把爸爸带来 138

150.在厕所里 139

151.您不了解我父亲 139

152.死海 139

153.不是我的过错 140

154.我吻了她的脸 140

155.后果 140

156.横跨海洋 140

157.汤姆的例子 141

158.对自己说 141

159.他知道答案 141

160.谁知道呢? 142

161.你睡着了吗? 142

162.猴子与跳蚤 142

163.男高音和男低音 142

164.考试之前 143

165.渔网 143

166.三副眼镜 143

167.一位有趣的学生 143

168.他能睡着吗? 144

169.汤姆是个好学生吗? 144

170.你不为自己感到害羞吗? 144

171.父与子 144

172.汤姆的回答对吗? 145

173.简单的答复 145

174.我知道 145

175.日食 145

176.他不得不安静 146

177.汤姆的回答有趣吗? 146

178.烫毛巾 146

179.下课 146

180.我在给我的朋友写信 147

181.汤姆懒惰吗? 147

182.尾巴 147

183.鼓 147

184.一个有趣的问题 148

185.我没有时间脱鞋 148

186.玛丽聪明吗? 148

187.妈妈和女儿 148

188.一张大脸 149

189.我们老师变化无常 149

190.他为什么哭? 149

191.鹦鹉和俚语 149

192.傻汤姆 150

193.可怜的丈夫 150

194.发电机故障 150

195.你知道为什么吗? 150

196.额外服务 151

197.太粗心了 151

198.造句 151

199.鱼为什么生活在水里? 151

200.那是您的汤 152

201.猫和老鼠 152

202.甜蜜的梦 152

203.没关系 152

204.他擅长木版画 152

205.谁在拉? 153

206.钢琴 153

207.你准备换工作吗? 153

208.我看见他从窗户旁经过 154

209.您还想要什么? 154

210.汤姆聪明吗? 154

211.他想借什么? 154

212.太干净了 155

213.一件礼物 155

214.汤姆喜欢朗读吗? 155

215.谁打破了窗户? 155

216.不是个好学生 156

217.你在这干什么? 156

218.小偷的习惯 156

219.这辆车没有刹车 157

220.太阳是个胆小鬼吗? 157

221.谁淘气? 157

222.汤姆为什么和露茜结婚? 157

223.数数 158

224.一只苍蝇 158

225.没有司机 158

226.苍蝇在干什么? 159

227.汤姆的生日 159

228.下星期怎么样? 159

229.玛丽同意吗? 159

230.他画的是什么? 160

231.他们是大人 160

232.他想让我当保镖 160

233.担心 160

234.他是位好牙医吗? 161

235.一位可怜的病人 161

236.纽扣在哪儿? 161

237.苍蝇在哪儿? 161

238.去天堂 162

239.最容易的事 162

240.乐观主义者 162

241.我的狗不识字 162

242.电话簿 163

243.热狗 163

244.省饭 163

245.作业 163

246.鱼为什么不会说话? 164

247.玛丽为什么哭? 164

248.一个新烟斗 164

249.你们俩都欠我200美元 165

250.太冷 165

251.没有耐心 165

252.零比零 166

253.火车司机 166

254.谁能拦住卡车 166

255.停车 166

256.汤姆的生日 167

257.两个傻瓜 167

258.我不是算命的 167

259.只沉一次 168

260.小贩和男孩 168

261.我买两台 168

262.她把他的假牙藏起来了 168

263.愚蠢的男孩儿 169

264.妙答 169

265.你最爱吃哪种水果? 169

266.恐高症 169

267.谁更大? 170

268.谁是小气鬼? 170

269.第一忧愁 170

270.从不怀疑 171

271.兔子 171

272.混合双打 171

273.没必要换 171

274.黑母鸡更聪明 172

275.汤姆起床很早吗? 172

276.一幅上帝画像 172

277.老鼠得了什么病? 173

278.斧子和钢琴 173

279.给我一块钱 173

280.你在抄写他的算术答案吗? 174

281.大人物 174

282.给我一个昨天的面包 174

283.一个傻子 175

284.你为什么跳? 175

285.一个洞 175

286.我今天10岁 175

287.他掉进里边去了 176

288.我买另一个 176

289.我将在夜里到那去 176

290.他不会拼写CATERPILLAR 176

291.最好的礼物 177

292.一根儿绳子 177

293.谁在打架? 177

294.布劳克将军 178

295.六只苹果 178

296.他的回答正确吗? 178

297.妙答 178

298.谁替他写的作业 179

299.我有时喜欢我的老师 179

300.一个丑娃 179

附录:生词表 181

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