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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:周学艺主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7301000308
  • 标注页数:233 页
  • PDF页数:239 页
图书介绍:第三版对第二版的课文更新了四分之三,全书共40课,只保留了第二版的10课,其余课文均选自2000年至2004年美英大报和知名新闻期刊,它们是《纽约时报》、《洛杉矶时报》、《今日美国报》、《泰晤士报》、《星期日泰晤士报》、《金融时报》、《时代》周刊、《新闻周刊》、《美国新闻与世界报道》、《商业周刊》、《幸福》(Fortune)杂志和《经济学家》等。内容既有社会、文化、政治等方面的新闻,也有世界大事的报道和评论。为贯彻我国 “以经济建设为中心”和“科教兴国”的国策,第三版增加了经济、科技、教育、人才等方面的课文。根据本人以往的教学经验和所出的考题,在本书下册特附上 “外刊课考试的若干说明”和“参考试题”一份。

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Contents 1

Unit Eight World Affairs(Ⅰ)—East-West International Triangular Relationships 1

Lesson Twenty-six:Turning the Tables on Moscow(Time,April 15,1985) 1

Lesson Twenty-seven:Soviet suitor for US Asian allies(The Times,January 2,1986) 13

Lesson Twenty-eight:The Great Superpower Spy War KGB vs.CIA(U.S.News World Report,October 29,1984) 20

Lesson Twenty-nine:Fencing at the Fireside Summit(Time,December 2,1985) 34

Lesson Thirty:If they have a fling(The Economist,August 16,1986) 49

Unit Nine World Affairs(Ⅱ)—Middle East 57

Lesson Thirty-one:Slaughter in the Marshes(Newsweek,April 1,1985) 57

Lesson Thirty-two:Rising Mideast Violence Takes Ominous Turn(U.S.News World Report,October 14,1985) 69

Lesson Thirty-three:Splintered PLO struggles to stay alive(The Christian Science Monitor,June 5,1985) 77

Unit Ten World Affairs(Ⅲ)—Asia 85

Lesson Thirty-four:Asia's Islamic Resurgence(Newsweek,July 28,1986) 85

Lesson Thirty-five:End of Gandhi's honeymoon(U.S.News World Report,September 15,1986) 99

Lesson Thirty-six:Now,go(The Economist ,February 15,1986) 105

Lesson Thirty-seven:In Divided South Africa,“No One Is Satisfied”(U.S.News World Report,February 11,1985) 111

Unit Eleven World Affairs(Ⅳ)—Africa Central America 111

Lesson Thirty-eight:The Land of the Dead(Time,November 26,1984) 120

Lesson Thirty-nine:The Propaganda War(Time,March 11,1985) 129

Unit Twelve World Leaders Prominent Figures 137

Lesson Forty:A Test of Heart and Mind(Time,March 15,1982) 137

Lesson Forty-one:Can he do a Deng?(The Economist,March 16,1985) 142

Lesson Forty-two:Thatcher's style wars(The Economist,January 18,1986) 150

Lesson Forty-three:Windsor's Formidable Women(Newsweek,July 28,1986) 157

Lesson Forty-four:Rare Moment for a Global Economy(The New York Times,April 27,1986) 169

Unit Thirteen World Economy Business 169

Lesson Forty-five:Pounding on Tokyo's Door(Time,March 25,1985) 181

Lesson Forty-six:The dirt flies in the fight over the European fighter(The Economist,March 16,1985) 191

Unit Fourteen Culture,Sports,Science Technology 196

Lesson Forty-seven:English Out to Conquer the World(U.S.News World Report,February 18,1985) 196

Lesson Forty-eight:Splendor on the Grass(Newsweek,June 23,1986) 208

Lesson Forty-nine:Roaming the High Frontier(Time,November 26,1984) 215

Lesson Fifty:AIDS:A Spreading Scourge(Time,August 5,1985) 228

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