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  • 购买点数:18
  • 作 者:朱雨生著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2019
  • ISBN:9787313210005
  • 标注页数:632 页
  • PDF页数:651 页


上一篇:动物学 下下一篇:生命之美

第一篇 综述 3

高等植物酶合成的调节——基因表达 3

Reviews Induction and regulation of cellulase synthesis in Trichoderma pseudokoningii mutants EA3-867 and N2-78 19

Organization and Expression of Genes for Photosynthetic Pigments-Protein Complexes in Photosynthetic Bacteria 41

The Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome 71

国外纤维素酶研究概况 79

纤维素酶研究进展 94

第二篇 植物生理和代谢调节(1961—1965) 109

棉铃脱落与碳水化合物化谢的关系 109

植物呼吸代谢的生理意义Ⅰ.器官脱落与呼吸途径的联系 119

植物的脂肪合成及其调节Ⅱ.油菜种子形成期间葡萄糖降解的途径 129

植物的脂肪合成及其调节Ⅲ.油菜籽实形成过程中代谢途径的变化与内源抑制剂的调节作用 140

植物的脂肪合成及其调节Ⅴ.油菜种子脂肪合成与HMP途径关系的同位素证据 155

植物的脂肪合成及其调节Ⅶ.大豆种子形成过程中物质累积与呼吸代谢的关系 166

植物的脂肪合成及其调节Ⅷ.NADPH2的氧化速率对油菜种子HMP途径和脂肪形成的调节作用 176

The Changes of Metabolic Pathways and the Regulatory Action of an Endogenous Inhibitor in the Developing Siliques of Brassica Napus Linn 188

第三篇 微生物发酵工程及纤维素酶在工农医上的应用(1967—1980) 207

纤维素酶固体曲的制取及其在酒精生产上的试用 207

二株高活力纤维素分解菌EA3-867和N2-78的获得及其特性的比较 225

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅰ.槐糖对木霉EA3 - 867纤维素酶形成的诱导作用 241

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅱ.槐糖对木霉EA3-867洗涤菌丝体纤维素酶形成的诱导作用及降解物阻遏现象 254

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅲ.葡萄糖母液和槐豆荚提取液对纤维素酶诱导效应的分析 272

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅳ.高产变异株纤维素酶合成调节的变化——酶活提高原因的初步分析 281

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅴ.拟康氏木霉(Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rafai) N2-78洗涤菌丝体纤维素酶诱导形成过程中核酸代谢的变化 293

木霉纤维素酶的诱导形成及其调节Ⅵ.拟康氏木霉(Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rafai) N2-78被槐糖诱导形成的纤维素酶组分的分离、纯化及性质 301

第四篇 光合作用和叶绿体基因表达的光氧调控(1980—1986) 315

Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome Ⅰ.Chloroplast DNA Diversity 315

Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome Ⅱ.Chloroplast DNA Alteration 326

Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome Ⅲ.Chloroplast DNA Evolution 336

Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome Ⅳ.Construction, Mapping and Expression of Clone Library of N.otophora Chloroplast DNA 348

Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome 7.Express in E.coli and B.subtilis of tobacco and Chlamydornonas chloroplast DNA sequences coding for the large subunit of RuBP carboxylase 360

Light-Induced Transformation of Amyloplasts into Chloroplasts in Potato Tuber 367

Phytochrome Control of Levels of mRNA Complementary to Plastid and Nuclear Genes of Maize 375

The Organization of the Maize Plastid Chromosome: Properties and Expression of Its Gene 388

Effects of Light, Oxygen, and Substrates on Steady-State Levels of mRNA Coding for Ribulose-1, 5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase and Light-Harvesting and Reaction Center Polypeptides in Rhodopseudomonas Sphaeroides 406

Origin of the mRNA Stoichiometry of the puf Operon in Rhodobacter Sphaeroides 423

Regulation of Expression of Genes for Light-Harvesting Antenna Proteins LH-Ⅰ and LH-Ⅱ; Reaction Center Polypeptides RC-L, RC-M, and RC-H; and Enzymes of Bacteriochlorophyll and Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Rhodobacter Capsulatus by Light and Oxyge 442

Oxygen-Regulated mRNAs for Light-Harvesting and Reaction Center Complexes and for Bacteriochlorophyll and Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Rhodobacter Capsulatus during the Shift from Anaerobic to Aerobic Growth 453

Oxygen and Light Regulation of Expression of Genes for Light Harvesting (LH-Ⅰ, LH- Ⅱ) , Reaction Center (RC-L, RC-M, RC-H) , Pigment Biosynthesis and a Transcriptional Role in the Protective Function of Carotenoids in Rhodobacter Capsulatus 469

Transcription of Oxygen-Regulated Photosynthetic Genes Requires DNA Gyrase in Rhodobacter Capsulatus 475

第五篇 植物转基因和生物防治(1987—1988) 489

Separation of Protein Crystals from Spores of Bacillus thuringiensis by Ludox Gradient Centrifugation 489

第六篇 医药生物工程药物制造和分子诊断(1989—2006) 497

More False-Positive Problems 497

The Use of Exonuclease Ⅲ for Polymerase Chain Reaction Sterilization 500

Pilot Study of Topical Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infectio 502

Quantitative Analysis of HIV-1 RNA in Plasma Preparations 510

A Simplified Method for Quantitation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV1) RNA in Plasma: Clinical Correlates 524

Quantitative Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism: A Procedure for Quantitation of Diphtheria Toxin Gene CRM197 Allele 534

An Easy and Accurate Agarose Gel Assay for Quantitation of Bacterial Plasmid Copy Numbers 543

第七篇 科普文章 559

植物的电世界 559

生物半导体 564

生物的时辰节律——生物钟 567

试管中生成的植物 571

附录 579

UMBC receives Chinese grad.student 579

East meets West at UMBC lab 581

热爱科学 缅怀光明 584

后记 594

编者的话 596

