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操作系统实用教程  螺旋方法  英文版

操作系统实用教程 螺旋方法 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载



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Part 1 Operating Systems Overview and Background 1

Chapter 1 Getting Started 3

1.1 Introduction 4

1.2 What Are Operating Systems All about? 5

1.3 User versus System View of an OS 6

1.4 Some OS Terms,Basic Concepts,and Illustrations 10

1.5 A Small Historical Diversion 15

1.6 Summary 17

Chapter 2 Operating System Concepts,Components,and Architectures 19

2.1 Introduction:What Does the OS Do? 20

2.2 Resources Managed by the OS and Major OS Modules 22

2.3 The Process Concept and OS Process Information 25

2.4 Functional Classes of OSs 29

2.5 Architectural Approaches to Building an OS 33

2.6 Some OS Implementation Techniques and Issues 35

2.7 Minimalist versus Maximalist Approaches to OS Functionality and Backward Compatibility 40

2.8 Summary 42

Part 2 Building Operating Systems Incrementally:A Breadth-Oriented Spiral Approach 45

Chapter 3 A Simple,Single-Process Operating System 47

3.1 Introduction:Monitors and CP/M 48

3.2 Characteristics of a Simple PC System 50

3.3 Input/Output Management 52

3.4 Disk Management and the File System 54

3.5 Process and Memory Management 58

3.6 Summary 63

Chapter 4 A Single-User Multitasking Operating System 67

4.1 Introduction:A Simple Multitasking System 69

4.2 The Palm OS Environment and System Layout 71

4.3 Process Scheduling 73

4.4 Memory Management 75

4.5 File Support 80

4.6 Basic Input and Output 82

4.7 Display Management 82

4.8 Event-Driven Programs 84

4.9 Summary 86

Chapter 5 A Single-User Multitasking/Multithreading Operating System 89

5.1 Introduction 89

5.2 The Origin of the Macintosh Computer 90

5.3 The Macintosh OS—System 1 91

5.4 System 2 96

5.5 System 3 98

5.6 System 4 98

5.7 System 5 100

5.8 System 6 101

5.9 System 7 101

5.10 System 8 105

5.11 System 9 107

5.12 Mac OS X 109

5.13 Summary 111

Chapter 6 A Multiple-User Operating System 113

6.1 Introduction 113

6.2 The Multiuser OS Environment 121

6.3 Processes and Threads 123

6.4 Summary 125

Chapter 7 Parallel and Distributed Computing,Clusters,and Grids 127

7.1 Introduction 127

7.2 Key Concepts 128

7.3 Parallel and Distributed Processing 128

7.4 Distributed System Architectures 132

7.5 How Operating System Concepts Differ in SMPs,Clusters,and Grids 138

7.6 Examples 142

7.7 Summary 147

Part 3 CPU and Memory Management 149

Chapter 8 Process Management:Concepts,Threads,and Scheduling 151

8.1 Introduction to Processes 152

8.2 Process Descriptor-Process Control Block 152

8.3 Process States and Transitions 154

8.4 Process Scheduling 156

8.5 One Good Process Deserves Another 164

8.6 Threads 166

8.7 Case Studies 173

8.7 Summary 178

Chapter 9 More Process Management:Interprocess Communication,Synchronization,and Deadlocks 181

9.1 Why Have Cooperating Processes? 182

9.2 Interprocess Communication 184

9.3 Synchronization 190

9.4 Deadlocks 197

9.5 Summary 206

Chapter 10 Basic Memory Management 209

10.1 Introduction:Why Manage Primary Memory? 209

10.2 Binding Model:Steps in Development Cycle 210

10.3 A Single Process 211

10.4 Multiple Processes with a Fixed Number of Processes 216

10.5 Multiple Processes with a Variable Number of Processes 218

10.6 Summary 223

Chapter 11 Advanced Memory Management 225

11.1 Why Do We Need Hardware Help? 225

11.2 Paging 226

11.3 Segmentation 233

11.4 Segmentation with Paging 236

11.5 Demand Paging 238

11.6 Special Memory Management Topics 248

11.7 Summary 252

Part 4 A Depth-Oriented Presentation of OS Concepts:Files Systems and Input/Output 255

Chapter 12 File Systems—Basics 257

12.1 Introduction 258

12.2 Directories 259

12.3 Access Methods 265

12.4 Free Space Tracking 269

12.5 File Allocation 273

12.6 Summary 280

Chapter 13 File Systems—Examples and More Features 283

13.1 Introduction 283

13.2 Case Studies 284

13.3 Mounting 288

13.4 Multiple File Systems and Redirection 290

13.5 Memory Mapped Files 292

13.6 File System Utilities 293

13.7 Log-Based File Systems 294

13.8 Summary 295

Chapter 14 Disk Scheduling and Input/Output Management 297

14.1 Introduction 297

14.2 Device Characteristics 298

14.3 I/O Technology 299

14.4 Physical Disk Organization 302

14.5 Logical Disk Organization 305

14.6 RAID 309

14.7 Disk Operation Scheduling 314

14.8 DMA and Disk Hardware Features 322

14.9 Summary 325

Part 5 Networks,Distributed Systems,and Security 329

Chapter 15 Introduction to Computer Networks 331

15.1 Why Do We Want to Network Computers? 332

15.2 The Basics 333

15.3 Application Layer Protocols 338

15.4 TCP/IP 341

15.5 The Data Link Layer 345

15.6 WANs 350

15.7 The Physical Layer 352

15.8 Network Management 354

15.9 Summary 356

Chapter 16 Protection and Security 359

16.1 Introduction:Problems and Threats 360

16.2 OS Protection 366

16.3 Policies,Mechanisms,and Techniques 370

16.4 Communication Security 373

16.5 Security Administration 380

16.6 Summary 381

Chapter 17 Distributed Operating Systems 385

17.1 Introduction 386

17.2 Distributed Application Models 388

17.3 Abstractions:Processes,Threads,and Machines 391

17.4 Naming 394

17.5 Other Distributed Models 396

17.6 Synchronization 400

17.7 Fault Tolerance 406

17.8 Summary 409

Part 6 Case Studies 413

Chapter 18 Windows NTTM through VistaTM 415

18.1 Introduction:Windows NT Family History 416

18.2 The User OS Environment 421

18.3 Process Scheduling 423

18.4 Memory Management 425

18.5 File Support 428

18.6 Basic Input and Output 436

18.7 GUI Programming 439

18.8 Networking 440

18.9 Symmetric Multiprocessing 441

18.10 Startup Speed of XP 441

18.11 Summary 442

Chapter 19 Linux:A Case Study 445

19.1 Introduction 446

19.2 Process Scheduling 447

19.3 Memory Management 451

19.4 File Support 452

19.5 Basic Input and Output 454

19.6 GUI Programming 458

19.7 Networking 460

19.8 Security 462

19.9 Symmetric Multiprocessing 463

19.10 Other Linux Variants 463

19.11 Summary 466

Chapter 20 Palm OS:A Class Case Study 469

20.1 Overview 469

20.2 The Multi-Process OS Environment 470

20.3 Palm Process Scheduling 471

20.4 Palm Memory Management 471

20.5 File Support 472

20.6 Input/Output Subsystems 472

20.7 GUI Programming 473

20.8 Network Programming 473

20.9 Programming Environments 475

20.10 Similar Systems and Current Developments 476

20.11 Summary 480

Appendix Overview of Computer System and Architecture ConceptsA.1 Typical Computer System Components 484

A.2 The Processor or Central Processing Unit 485

A.3 The Memory Unit and Storage Hierarchies 496

A.4 Input and Output 502

A.5 The Network 504

A.6 A More Detailed Picture 507

A.7 Summary 507

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