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社会心理学  英文版

社会心理学 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


图书介绍:戴维·迈尔斯的《社会心理学》是美国700 多所大专院校社会心理学教学所采用的教材,自出版以来深受广大师生和社会心理学爱好者的喜爱,并被翻译成多种语言,有着广泛的影响力。本书是原书英文第11 版。便于读者学习心理学英语词汇,训练国际交流能力。全书共分四编:社会思维、社会影响、社会关系和应用社会心理学。

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chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology 2

Part One Social Thinking 32

chapter 2 The Self in a Social World 32

chapter 3 Social Beliefs and Judgments 76

chapter 4 Behavior and Attitudes 118

Part Two Social Influence 150

chapter 5 Genes,Culture,and Gender 150

chapter 6 Conformity and Obedience 186

chapter 7 Persuasion 224

chapter 8 Group Influence 264

Part Three Social Relations 306

chapter 9 Prejudice:Disliking Others 306

chapter 10 Aggression:Hurting Others 352

chapter 11 Attraction and Intimacy:Liking and Loving Others 392

chapter 12 Helping 438

chapter 13 Conflict and Peacemaking 480

Part Four Applying Social Psychology 520

chapter 14 Social Psychology in the Clinic 520

chapter 15 Social Psychology in Court 554

chapter 16 Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future 586

Epilogue 611

References 612

Name Index 715

Subject Index/Glossary 730

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