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美味豆腐食谱  菜谱中英对照

美味豆腐食谱 菜谱中英对照PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:7
  • 作 者:古善珍整理
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7533520505
  • 标注页数:59 页
  • PDF页数:61 页

浓味菜式 8

印尼炸豆腐 Indonesian Deep-fried Beancurd 8

泰式炸豆腐 Thai Style Deep-fried Beancurd 10

脆炸豆腐球 Crispy Beancurd Balls 12

雪里蕻豆腐 Beancurd with Potherb Mustard 14

锦卤豆腐 Variegated Beancurd 16

腐竹羊煲 Lamb Briskets with Bean Sticks in Casserole 18

鱼蓉豆腐煲 Beancurds with Minced Dace in Casserole 20

茄子豆腐煲 Eggplant and Beancurd Casserole 22

淡味菜式 24

大白菜豆腐卷 Peking Cabbage Rolls 24

鸡丝百页 Steamed Chicken Rolls 26

豆腐牛柳卷 Beancurd Beef Fillet Rolls 28

乳酪豆腐焗蛋 Beancurd Cheese Cake 30

煎酿鱼蓉豆腐 Beancurd Stuffed with Fish Colloid 32

豆腐小食 34

豆腐春卷 Beancurd Rolls 34

豆腐琼脂糕 Beancurd Agar-Agar Pudding 36

豆浆鲜虾云吞 Shrimp Raviolis in Soybean Milk 38

椰汁豆腐花 Beanjelly with Coconut Milk 40

豆腐煎蛋 Beancurd Omelette 42

香柠豆腐布丁 Beancurd Pudding in Lemon Flavour 44

咸鱼头豆腐菜干汤 Dried Cabbage Soup with Salted Fish Head 46

酸辣豆腐汤 Hot and Sour Beancurd Soup 48

金枪鱼蓉豆腐汤 Beancurd Soup with Mashed Tuna 50

半月沉江 Half Moons Sinking in The River 52

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