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C++程序设计语言  英文版

C++程序设计语言 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:26
  • 作 者:(美)Bjarne Stroustrup著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7040100959
  • 标注页数:1019 页
  • PDF页数:1034 页

查看更多关于C++程序设计语言 英文版的内容


Introductory Material 1

1 Notes to the Reader 3

Preface 5

Preface to Second Edition 7

Preface to First Edition 9

2 A Tour of C++ 21

3 A Tour of the Standard Library 45

PartI: Basic Facilities 67

4 Types and Declarations 69

5 Pointers,Array,and Structures 87

6 Expressions and Statements 107

7 Functions 143

8 Namespaces and Exceptions 165

9 Source Files and Programs 197

PartII: Abstraction Mechanisms 221

10 Classes 223

11 Operator Overloading 261

12 Derived Classes 301

13 Templates 327

14 Exception Handling 355

15 Class Hierarchies 389

PartIII:The Standard Library 427

16 Library Organization and Containers 429

17 Standard Containers 461

18 Algorithms and Function Objects 507

19 Iterators and Allocators 549

20 Strings 579

21 Streams 605

22 Numerics 657

PartIV: Design Using C++ 689

23 Development and Design 691

24 Design and Programming 723

25 Roles of Classes 765

Appendices 791

A The C++ Grammar 793

B Compatibility 815

C Technicalities 827

D Locales 869

E Standard Library Exception Safety 935

Index 969

查看更多关于C++程序设计语言 英文版的内容
