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华人发现美洲考  中

华人发现美洲考 中PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:徐松石著
  • 出 版 社:东南亚研究所
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 标注页数:111 页
  • PDF页数:119 页
上一篇:重庆下一篇:中国人物年鉴 1999
标签:发现 华人


Chapter Ⅰ.Who are the Red Indians? 1

Chapter Ⅱ.Special Similarities to the Chinese Customs. 7

Chapter Ⅲ.Tungus People and the Amerindians. 17

Chapter Ⅳ.The Creation and Flood Stories of the Amerindians. 24

Chapter Ⅴ.Significance of the Amerindian Flood Stories. 31

Chapter Ⅵ.Japanese Mythology and Amerindian Mythology. 38

Chapter Ⅶ.The Thunder Bird,the Whale,and the Snake. 44

Chapter Ⅷ.The Chinese Bronze Drums and the Amerindians. 51

Chapter Ⅸ.Hui-Shen's Trip to America 1500 Years Ago. 60

Chapter Ⅹ.Chinese and Amerindian Languages. 67

Chapter Ⅺ.Four Queer Customs of the Amerindians. 73

Chapter Ⅻ.Manchu Customs and the Amerindian Customs. 80

Chapter ⅩⅢ.Two Groups of Eastem Tribes. 87

Chapter ⅩⅣ.The Rising Up of the Rindian Civilization. 93

Chapter ⅩⅤ.Dispersion of the Chinese Leutan People. 98

Chapter ⅩⅥ.Some More High Points. 104

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