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  • 购买点数:14
  • 作 者:考研英语命题研究组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国石化出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7801647610
  • 标注页数:421 页
  • PDF页数:433 页



第一部分 阅读理解 1

Lesson 1 The American Economic System 1

美国的经济体系 2

Lesson 2 Cashless Society 7

无现金的社会 8

Lesson 3 Help Exceptional Children 13

帮助残疾儿童 14

Lesson 4 The Prospects for Cure of Cancers 17

癌症治愈的前景 18

Lesson 5 Key to Success:Creative Thinking 21

成功秘诀:创新思想 22

Lesson 6 Advertisement 26

广告 27

Lesson 7 Two Basic Ways to See Growth 30

对成长的两种基本看法 31

Lesson 8 How to Get Access to Information Today 37

今天,如何获得信息 38

Lesson 9 Personality 42

性格 43

Lesson 10 The Evolution of Memory 48

记忆的进化 49

Lesson 11 How to Prepare for Searching a Job 54

如何准备找工作 55

Lesson 12 The Changes of BBC 58

BBC的变化 59

Lesson 13 "Capital"and"Labour" 63

“资本”与“劳动力” 64

Lesson 14 What Accounts for the Great Inventions? 68

是什么导致了这些伟大发明? 69

Lesson 15 An Introduction to A New Book 74

对一本新书的介绍 74

Lesson 16 The Right to Die 77

死亡的权利 78

Lesson 17 The Impression of Traveller on America 81

旅游者对美国的印象 82

Lesson 18 What's the Drag? 86

什么是药物? 87

Lesson 19 The Social Responsibility of Corporation 90

公司的社会责任 92

Lesson 20 The Defect of Economics 96

经济学的缺陷 97

Lesson 21 The Benefits and Costs of Dams 100

大坝的利益和成本 101

Lesson 22 The Pain Doesn't Definitely Mean Profitability 104

努力并不一定意味着效益 105

Lesson 23 Science and Humanities 109

科学与人文学科 110

Lesson 24 A Picture of Population in Amenrica 113

美国的人口概况 114

Lesson 25 Hot Spots 117

热点地区 118

Lesson 26 The Importance of Warning Labels for Companies 121

警告标签对于公司的重要性 122

Lesson 27 B—B Sales 126

B—B销售模式 127

Lesson 28 A Debate on Computer Education 130

关于计算机教育的争论 131

Lesson 29 Various Opinions About Clone 135

关于克隆的不同看法 136

Lesson 30 What's the Most Important in Scientific Research 138

在科学研究中最重要的是什么? 140

Lesson 31 Success After Recession 142

萧条后取得的成功 143

Lesson 32 Evolution 147

进化论 148

Lesson 33 Futurist Poetry 150

未来派诗歌 151

Lesson 34 Economic Condition and Industry 154

经济条件与勤奋 156

Lesson 35 Should We Have Ambitions? 160

我们应该有野心吗? 161

Lesson 36 Specialization 164

专业化 165

Lesson 37 Digital Divide 168

信息分化 169

Lesson 38 What Cause People Distrust Newspaper? 172

什么使得人们不相信报纸? 173

Lesson 39 Merger&Acquisition 177

并购 178

Lesson 40 Another Living Style 181

另外一种生活方式 182

Lesson 41 How to Be Humourous 185

如何才能幽默 186

Lesson 42 Artificial Intelligence 189

人工智能 190

Lesson 43 The Rise in Oil Prices 193

油价上涨 194

Lesson 44 Physician-Assisted Suicide 197

由医生协助的自杀 198

Lesson 45 Internet and Spying 200

网络与间谍 201

Lesson 46 The Importance of Doing Something for Good People 203

好人作为的重要性 204

Lesson 47 The Effects of Railroads Merger on Various Parties 207

铁路公司合并对各方的影响 208

Lesson 48 Life Expectancy and Health Care 210

寿命与保健 211

Lesson 49 Online Search Agents 213

网上求职代理人 214

Lesson 50 Surname Discrimination 217

姓氏歧视 218

Lesson 51 The Slowing Economy 220

经济减缓 221

Lesson 52 Symptoms of Pervasive Anti-intellectualism 224

普遍的反才智主义现象 225

Lesson 53 A Sense of Fairness 227

公平意识 229

Lesson 54 The Growing Threat of Global Warming 231

不断增长的全球变暖的威胁 232

Lesson 55 What's the Dream? 234

什么是梦? 235

Lesson 56 The Decline of Formal English 238

正式英语的衰落 239

第二部分 完形填空 243

Lesson 57 Word and Language 243

词与语言 243

Lesson 58 Sleep and Health 245

睡眠与健康 245

Lesson 59 Importance of Vitamins for Health 247

维生素对健康的重要性 247

Lesson 60 Employment Agency in America 249

美国的劳务公司 249

Lesson 61 The Critics of the Historians for the Industrial Revolution 251

历史学家对工业革命的批评 251

Lesson 62 About Industrial Safety 252

关于安全生产 253

Lesson 63 How to Succeed for Farmers? 254

农民如何成功? 255

Lesson 64 The Legal Controls over Press 256

对新闻的合法监控 257

Lesson 65 Technology Revolution and Social Improvement 258

技术革命和社会进步 259

Lesson 66 Care for the Changes of Young Teens 261

关注青少年的变化 261

Lesson 67 Juvenile Delinquency 263

青年少年犯罪 264

Lesson 68 The Human Nose 266

人类的鼻子 266

第三部分 填空式阅读 269

Lesson 69 Soaring Health Budgets 269

暴涨的医疗预算 271

第四部分 英译汉 274

Lesson 70 Which is More Important for Technology and Genius? 274

技术和天才孰更重要? 275

Lesson 71 The Evaluation for the Standardized Tests 276

对标准化测试的评价 277

Lesson 72 The Causes of Scientific Research 281

科学研究的原因 282

Lesson 73 Do Animals Have Rights? 284

动物有权利吗? 285

Lesson 74 Giant Clouds 287

宇宙云 288

Lesson 75 Methodology in the Historial Profession 290

史学界的方法论 291

Lesson 76 The Interventlons of Government and the Professionists 293

政府干预与专门人才 294

Lesson 77 Supercomputer and Artificial Organs 297

超级计算机和人造器官 298

Lesson 78 The Research for Human Behavior 300

对人类行为的研究 301

Lesson 79 Anthropology 304

人类学 305

Lesson 80 The Relation of Language and Mind 307

语言与思维的关系 308

Lesson 81 The Study of Law 310

法律研究 311

Lesson 82 Europe Television 313

欧洲电视 315

第五部分 写作 317

Lesson 83 On Making Friends 317

交朋友 317

Lesson 84 The"Hope Project" 318

希望工程 318

Lesson 85 Good Health 319

健康 319

Lesson 86 The Harm of Smoking 320

吸烟的危害 321

Lesson 87 Good Wine Needs No Bush 322

酒好客自来 323

Lesson 88 The Relation Between Population Growth and the Number of Wildlife Species 323

人口增长与野生物种数量的关系 324

Lesson 89 Overfishing 324

过度捕鱼 325

Lesson 90 The Power of Love 326

爱的力量 327

Lesson 91 Cultures—National and International 327

国内与国际文化 328

Lesson 92 The Flowers in the Greehouse 329

温室里的花朵 330

Lesson 93 Never Stop Making Progress 331

永不停止前进 332

Lesson 94 A"Football Match"of Supporting Parent 332

赡养父母 333

附录一 考研经典难句200句 335

附录二 单词索引 384

附录三 频率索引 403

