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南方民族考古  第3辑  1990

南方民族考古 第3辑 1990PDF格式文档图书下载


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Discussions on the Indonesian Metal Period Katheryn M·Linduff 1

论印度尼西亚的金属时代 卡塞琳·林道夫 1

Ban Chiang and the Problem of Chronology for the Bronze Culture of Northeast Thailand Joyce C·Whit 15

班清与泰国东北部青铜文化的编年问题 乔伊斯·C·怀特 15

岭南铜鼓图象、纹饰剖析 杨豪 23

A Research on the Decorative Motifs of the Bronze Drum in Ningnan Yang Hao 23

Bronze Drums and Funeral practice Jiang Tingyu 53

铜鼓与丧葬礼仪 蒋廷瑜 53

On the Relation between Animal Models and Motifs of the Shang-Zhou Bronze Culture and Early Totemism 63

商周青铜器的动物造型和纹样与古代图腾崇拜 熊传新 63

Some Thoughts on the Ritual Pits NO.Ⅰ and NO.Ⅱof the Sangxidui Site in Guanghai Song Zhimin 69

广汉三星堆一号、二号祭祀坑几个问题的探讨 宋治民 69

An Explantation for the Design on the Bingzhan Unearthed from Pit NO. Ⅱ at Sangxidui Chen Dean 85

浅释三星堆二号祭祀坑出土的“边璋”图案 陈德安 85

A Study of the Taoist Miniature for the Five Mountains and the Related Bronze Mirrors Zhang Xunliao 91

道教五岳真形图和有关两种古代铜镜材料的研究——道教考古专题研究之二 张勋燎 91

汉魏晋时期蛮夷印章的使用方法——以西南夷印章为主进行的考察 梶山胜 113

The Usage of “Manyi”Seals during Han,Wei and Jin Periods ——A Study on the Seals of Xinan Yi (So 113

Pottery of Bronze Culture in Yunan,China and Its Relations with the Dong-S on and Ban Chiang Culture 131

云南青铜文化的陶器及其与越南东山、泰国班清文化陶器的关系 王大道 131

四川省青川战国墓的研究 间漱收芳 149

Tombs of Warrior States Period in Haojiaping郝家坪,Qingchuan County 青川县,Sichuan Province Kazuy 149

汉、唐间蜀境之民族移徙与户口升降 蒙文通 163

Change of Population Related with the Migration of Minor Nationalities in Sichuan during the Han and 163

On the Tibetan Integration with Multi-Elements Li Shaoming 175

论藏族的多元一体格局 李绍明 175

Study in Recent Years on the Early Agriculture wadan Morimoto 189

关于近年来早期农业的研究 森本和男 189

An Archaeological Approach to the Daixi Culture Xu Zuxiang 213

论大溪文化 徐祖祥 213

Relation between the Stone tools from Baise and the Lower Palaeolithic Cultures from South and South 237

百色旧石器与南亚、东南亚早期旧石器的关系 谢光茂 237

Palaeolith Discovered on the lishui Basin,the Dongtinghu Lake Region Xiang Anqiang 249

洞庭潮区澧水流域发现的旧石器 向安强 249

Investigation on the Cliff-Burial Custom in Jilong Couney ,Southern Tibet He Wei、Li Yongxian 271

藏南吉降崖葬习俗的调查与初步研究 霍巍 李永宪 271

广西隆林龙洞发现的人类化石及其共生的哺乳动物群 彭书琳 王文魁 287

Fossils of Human Being and Mammal Discovered in the Longdong Cave at Longlin County ,Guangxi Peng Sh 287

雅安沙溪遗址发掘及调查报告 四川省文物管理委员会、四川省文物考古研究所、四川省雅安地区文物管理所 293

The Excavation at the Shaxi Site inYaan Sichuan Cultural Relic Management Commitee、Insititue of Ant 293

Excavatiln of Ancient Porcelain-Producting kiln at Guyi ,Qionglai County, Sichuan Sichuan Cullural R 341

Excavating the Site of Ancient Chengdu city Gate:A Brief Report Chengdu Museum 369

成都罗城1、2号门址发掘简报 成都市博物馆考古队 369

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