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云南统计年鉴  2004  总第20期  中英文本

云南统计年鉴 2004 总第20期 中英文本PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:22
  • 作 者:云南省统计局编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国统计出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7503743441
  • 标注页数:844 页
  • PDF页数:875 页

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中国统计出版社最新资料书简目 New Published Statistical Yearbooks by China Statistics Press 1


一、行政区划和自然赉源 Chapter 1 Divisions of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources 1

目录索引 1


一、行政区划和自然资源 Chapter 1 Divisions of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources 3

目录 3

1-1 全省行政区划(2003年末) Divisions of Administrative Areas in Yunnan(End of 2003) 3

1-2 历届省人民代表大会的代表人数 Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincial People s Congresses 8

1-3 历届省政治协商会议的委员人数 Number of Deputies to All the Previous Provincial People s Political Consultative Conferenees 9

1-4 人口和自然资源 Population and Natural Resources 10

1-5 主要湖泊情况 Major Lakes 10

1-8 主要河流情况 Major Rivers 11

1-6 土地状况 Land Characteristics 11

1-7 主要山峰高程 Height of Major Mountain Peaks 11

1-9 各县市土地、气温、降水量(2003年) Land Characteristics,Temperature and Precipitation of Cities,Counties and Prefectures(2003) 12

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 16

二、综合 Chapter 2 General Survey 19

二、综合 Chapter 2 General Survey 21

2-1 按经济成份划分的主要社会经济指标(2003年) Principal Socio-economic Indicators by Sector of Economy(2003) 21

2-2 主要年份国民经济主要指标 Principal Indicators on National Economy in Significant Years 22

2-3 主要年份国民经济主要指标增长速度 Growth Rate of Principal Indicators on National Economy in Significant Years 28

2-4 主要年份国民经济主要比例关系 Principal Proportional Relations of National Economy in Significant Years 32

2-5 云南平均每天社会经济活动成果部分指标 Selected Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities 33

2-6 全省社会经济主要指标每人年平均水平 Principal Socioeconomic Indicators Per Capita Annual Level of the Whole Province 34

2-7 云南省国民经济占全国的比重 Proportion of Yunnan Province to the National Economy of China 35

2-8 历年全省工农业总产值 Historic Gross Output Value of Industry and Agriculture 36

2-9 历年工农业总产值指数 Indices of Historic Gross Output Value of Industry and Agriculture 37

2-10 历年工农业总产值构成 Composition of Historic Gross Output Value of Industry and Agriculture 38

2-12 各地区工农业总产值构成(2003年) Composition of Gross Output Value of Industry and Agriculture by Region(2003) 39

2-11 各地区工农业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of Industry and Agriculture by Region(2003) 39

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 40

三、国民经济核算 Chapter 3 National Accounts 43

3-1 历年云南省生产总值和指数 Historic Gross Domestic Product and Its Indices 45

三、国民经济核算 Chapter 3 National Accounts 45

3-2 各地区生产总值(2003年) Gross Domestic Product by Region(2003) 46

3-4 支出法云南省生产总值结构 Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach 47

3-3 支出法云南省生产总值 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach 47

3-6 各地区资本形成总额及构成(2003年) Gross Capital Formation and Its Composition by Region(2003) 48

3-5 支出法地区生产总值(2003年) Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach and Region(2003) 48

3-7 各地区最终消费及构成(2003年) Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition by Region(2003) 49

3-8 各地区生产总值结构项目(2003年) Composition of Gross Domestic Product by Region(2003) 49

3-9 各地区个体私营经济增加值 Added Value of Individual and Private Economy by Region 50

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 51

四、人口 Chapter 4 Population 57

四、人口 Chapter 4 Population 59

4-1 历年全省年末人口数 Historic Population at the Year-end 59

4-2 各地区户数、人口数及构成(2003年) Number of Households,Population and Its Composition by Region(2003) 60

4-3 全省分民族人口数(2003年) Provincial Population by Nationality(2003) 60

4-4 主要年份全省人口出生率、死亡率、自然增长率 Birth Rate,Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Provincial Population in Significant Years 61

4-5 各地区人口出生率、死亡率、自然增长率(2003年) Birth Rate,Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population by Region(2003) 62

4-6 全省户数、平均人口及人口密度 Number of Households,Average Population and Population Density 62

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 63

五、就业人员和职工工资 Chapter 5 Employment and Wages 67

五、就业人员和职工工资 Chapter 5 Employment and Wages 69

5-1 就业基本情况 Employment 69

5-2 主要年份按城乡分的年末就业人员数 Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Residence in Urban and Rural Areas in Significant Years 70

5-3 各地区按城乡分的年末就业人员数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Residence in Urban and Rural Areas and by Region(2003) 70

5-4 主要年份按三次产业分的年末就业人员数 Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Type of Industry in Significant Years 71

5-5 各地区按三次产业分的年末就业人员数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Type of Industry and Region(2003) 71

5-6 主要年份分行业年末就业人员数 Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Sector in Significant Years 72

5-7 主要年份分行业年末职工人数 Number of Staff and Workers at the Year-end by Sector in Significant Years 73

5-8 各地区分行业年末就业人员数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Sector and Region(2003) 74

5-9 各地区城镇单位分行业年末职工人数(2003年) Number of Staff and Workers in Urban Entities at the Year-end by Sector and Region(2003) 76

5-10 各地区国有单位分行业年末职工人数(2003年) Number of Staff and Workers in State-owned Entities at the Year-end by Sector and Region(2003) 78

5-11 各地区城镇集体单位分行业年末职工人数(2003年) Number of Staff and Workers in Urban Collective-owned Entities at the Year-end by Sector and Region(2003) 80

5-12 各地区其他单位分行业年末职工人数(2003年) Number of Staff and Workers in Entities of Other Types of Ownership at the Year-end by Sector and Region(2003) 82

5-13 各地区城镇单位分登记注册类型年末就业人员数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Entities at the Year-end by Status of Registration and Region(2003) 84

5-14 各地区城镇单位分企事业机关年末就业人员数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Entities at the Year-end by Enterprise,Public Institution and,Government Agency and by Region(2003) 84

5-15 城镇单位分登记注册类型和细行业全部就业人员人数(2003年) Number of Staff and Workers in Urban Entities by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail(2003) 85

5-16 城镇单位分登记注册类型和细行业女性就业人员人数(2003年) Number of Female Employed in Urban Entities by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail(2003) 89

5-17 城镇单位职工分工登记注册类型和细行业专业技术人员人数(2003年) Number of Professional and Technical Personnel by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail(2003) 93

5-18 各地区私营企业年末就业人员人数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons in Pricate Enterprises at the Year-end by Region(2003) 96

5-19 各地区年末个体就业人员人数(2003年) Number of Self-employed Individuals at the Year-end by Region(2003) 96

5-21 主要年份城镇个体就业人员年末分行业就业人数 Number of Self-employed Individuals in Urban Areas at the Year-end by Sector in Significant Years 97

5-20 主要年份城镇私营企业年末分行业就业人数(2003年) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Private Enterprises at the Year-end by Sector in Significant Years(2003) 97

5-23 主要年份城镇登记失业人数和登记失业率 Registered Urban Unemployment and Unemployment Rate in Significant Years 98

5-22 城镇失业人员情况(2003年) Urban Unemployment(2003) 98

5-24 主要年份全部职工工资总额和指数 Total Wages of Staff and Workers and Related Indices in Significant Years 99

5-25 各地区全部职工工资总额和平均工资(2003年) Total Wages and Annual Average Wages of Staff and Worker by Region(2003) 99

5-26 离休、退休、退职人员人数及保险福利费用构成情况(2003年) Number of Retirees and Composition of Their Insurance and Welfare Funds(2003) 100

5-28 各地区城镇单位分行业职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers in Urban Entities by Sector and Region(2003) 102

5-27 主要年份全部职工平均工资及指数 Average Wages of Staff and Workers and Related Indices in Significant Years 102

5-29 各地区城镇单位分企事业机关年末职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers in Urban Entities at the Year-end by Enterprise,Public Institution and Government Agency and by Region(2003) 104

5-30 分细行业职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers by Sector in Detail(2003) 105

5-31 各地区城镇单位分行业年末就业人员劳动报酬(2003年) Earnings of Employed Persons in Urban Entities by Sector and by Region(2003) 108

5-32 各地区国有单位分行业职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers of State-owned Entities by Sector and Region(2003) 110

5-33 各地区城镇集体单位分行业职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers in Urban Collective-owned Entities by Sector and Region(2003) 112

5-34 各地区其他单位分行业职工平均工资(2003年) Average Wages of Staff and Workers in Entities of OtherTypes of Ownership by Sector and Region(2003) 114

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 116

六、固定资产投资 Chapter 6 Investment in Fixed Assets 119

六、固定资产投资 Chapter 6 Investment in Fixed Assets 121

6-1 全社会固定资产投资 Total Investment in Fixed Assets 121

6-2 全社会固定资产投资各种分组情况 Various Groups of Total Investment in Fixed Assets 122

6-3 全社会固定资产投资(按经济类型分)(2003年) Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Ownership(2003) 124

6-4 全社会固定资产投资(按来源、构成、地区分)(2003年) Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Source of Funds and Use of Funds and Region(2003) 127

6-5 全社会固定资产投资主要指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Total Investment in Fixed Assets(2003) 134

6-6 全社会地方固定资产投资主要指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Total Regional Investment in Fixed Assets(2003) 136

6-7 全社会固定资产投资额与新增固定资产(按行业分)(2003年) Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Sector(2003) 138

6-9 全社会各种房屋竣工面积及价值(2003年) Floor Space of Completed Buildings and Their Value(2003) 154

6-8 全社会固定资产投资项目(2003年) Number of Total Projects of Investment in Fixed Assets(2003) 154

6-10 全社会房屋建筑施工面积和竣工面积 Floor Space of All Buildings Completed and Under Construction 155

6-11 全社会主要年份竣工房屋面积 Floor Space of Total Completed Buildings in Significant Years 156

6-12 全社会新增主要产品生产能力(2003年) Newly Increased Production Capacity(2003) 157

6-13 全省国有经济固定资产投资主要指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Investment in Fixed Assets of Provincial State-owned Entities(2003) 160

6-14 地方国有经济固定资产投资主要指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Investment in Fixed Assets of Regional State-owned Entities(2003) 162

6-15 国有经济固定资产投资(2003年) Investment in Fixed Assets of State-owned Entities(2003) 164

6-16 国有经济农业、轻工业、重工业固定资产投资及构成 Investment in Fixed Assets of State-owned Agriculture,Light and Heavy Industries and Their Composition 166

6-17 各个时期能源工业和运输邮电业基本建设投资 Investment in Capital Construction of Energy Industry and Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services by Period 166

6-18 基本建设投资主要指标 Principal Indicators on Investment in Capital Construction 168

6-19 基本建设投资额与新增固定资产(2003年) Investment in Capital Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets(2003) 170

6-20 基本建设施工、投产项目(2003年) Number of Capital Construction Projects Under Construction and Put into Use(2003) 172

6-21 各地区按国民经济行业分基本建设投资(2003年) Investment in Capital Construction by Sector and Region(2003) 174

6-22 各地区全社会固定资产投资(2003年) Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Region(2003) 176

6-23 各地区国有经济固定资产投资(2003年) Investment in Fixed Assets of State-owned Entities by Region(2003) 176

6-24 各地区按用途分基本建设投资(2003年) Investment in Capital Construction by Purpose and Region(2003) 177

6-25 各地区按建设性质分基本建设投资(2003年) Investment in Capital Construction by Type of Construction and Region(2003) 177

6-27 各地区基本建设施工、竣工房屋建筑面积(2003年) Floor Space of Buildings Completed and Under Construction Through Capital Construction by Region(2003) 178

6-28 基本建设大中型项目一览表(2003年) Schedule of Large and Medium-sized Projects of Capital Construction(2003) 180

6-29 基本建设大中型项目建设规模及新增生产能力(2003年) Scale and Newly Increased Production Capacity of Large and Medium-sized Capital Construction Projects(2003) 181

6-30 历年国有经济固定资产投资 Historic Investment in Fixed Assets of State-owned Entities 183

6-31 更新改造投资和新增固定资产(2003年) Investment in Innovation and Newly Increased Fixed Assets(2003) 184

6-32 更新改造施工投产项目(2003年) Number of Innovation Projects Under Construction and Put into Use(2003) 186

6-33 更新改造投资额与新增固定资产(2003年) Investment in Innovation and Newly Increased Fixed Assets(2003) 188

6-35 各地区更新改造投资(2003年) Investment in Innovation by Region(2003) 190

6-34 各地区更新改造施工、投产项目个数、投资额及新增固定资产(2003年) Number of Innovation Projects Under Construction and Put into Use,Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Region(2003) 190

6-36 各地区更新改造施工、竣工房屋建筑面积(2003年) Floor Space of Innovated Buildings Completed and Under Construction by Region(2003) 193

6-26 各地区基本建设项目、投资额及新增固定资产(2003年) Number of Capital Construction Projects,Investment and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Region(2003) 194

6-37 更新改造限额以上项目一览表(2003年) Schedule of Innovation Projects Above Designated Size(2003) 194

6-38 更新改造限额以上项目建设规模及新增生产能力(2003年) Scale of Innovation Projects Above Designated Size and Newly Increased Production Capacity(2003) 196

6-39 各地区其它单位投资(2003年) Investment of Other Entities by Region(2003) 198

6-40 其它单位固定资产施工、投产项目(2003年) Number of Projects Under Construction and Completed Projects of Fixed Assets of Other Entities(2003) 200

6-41 其它单位投资和新增固定资产(2003年) Investment of Other Entities and Newly Increased Fixed Assets(2003) 200

6-42 其它单位固定资产投资主要指标 Principal Indicators on Investment in Fixed Assets of Other Entities 202

6-43 各地区其它单位投资施工、竣工房屋建筑面积(2003年) Floor Space of Buildings Completed and Under Construction Invested by Other Entities by Region(2003) 203

6-44 全省房地产业生产经营情况 Production and Operation of Real Estate 203

6-46 各地区房地产开发投资(2003年) Investment in Real Estate Development by Region(2003) 204

6-45 各地区房地产开发投资和新增固定资产(2003年) Investment in Real Estate Development and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Region(2003) 204

6-47 各地区房地产开发施工房屋面积(2003年) Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction Throngh Real Estate Development by Region(2003) 205

6-48 各地区房地产开发企业情况(2003年) Enterprises of Real Estate Development by Region(2003) 206

6-50 各地区商品房屋平均销售价格(2003年) Average Price of Commercial Housing by Region(2003) 207

6-49 各地区房地产开发经营情况(2003年) Operation of Real Estate Development by Region(2003) 207

6-51 各地区商品房屋销售情况(2003年) Sales of Commercial Housing by Region(2003) 208

6-53 城镇集体单位固定资产投资主要指标 Principal Indicators on Investment in Fixed Assets of Urban Collective-owned Entities 209

6-52 全省商品房屋销售出租情况(2003年) Sales and Lease of Commercial Housing(2003) 209

6-54 各地区城镇集体投资(2003年) Investment of Urban Collective-owned Entities by Region(2003) 210

6-55 各地区农村集体投资(2003年) Investment of Rural Collective-owned Entities by Region(2003) 212

6-56 各地区农村集体固定资产投资(2003年) Investment in Fixed Assets of Rural Collective-owned Entities by Region(2003) 214

6-57 各地区城镇和工矿区私人建房(2003年) Building Construction by Individuals in Urban Areas and in Industrial and Mining Areas by Region(2003) 215

6-58 各地区城镇集体施工、竣工房屋建筑面积(2003年) Floor Space of Buildings Completed and Under Construction of Urban Collective-owned Entities by Region(2003) 216

6-60 各地区农村个人建房(2003年) Building Construction by Individuals in Rural Areos by Region(2003) 217

6-59 各地区农村个人固定资产投资(2003年) Investment in Fixed Assets of Rural Individuals by Region(2003) 217

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 218

七、财政、金融和保险 Chapter 7 Finance,Banking and Insurance 227

七、财政、金融和保险 Chapter 7 Finance,Banking and Insurance 229

7-1 财政收入 Government Revenue 229

7-2 各项税收 Government Tax Revenue 229

7-3 历年全省财政分项目支出 Historic Government Expenditures by Item 230

7-4 全省主要年份文教、科学、卫生事业费分项目数 Government Expenditures on Culture,Education,Science and Health Care in Significant Years 231

7-5 全省主要年份财政支援农业的资金 Government Expenditures on Supporting Agriculture in Significant Years 231

7-6 云南省金融机构信贷资金平衡表(资金运用) Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions by Use of Funds 232

7-7 云南省金融机构信贷资金平衡表(资金来源) Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions by Source of Funds 232

7-8 云南省银行机构信贷资金平衡表(资金来源) Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Bank Institutions by Source of Funds 233

7-9 云南省银行机构信贷资金平衡表(资金运用) Balance Sheet of Credit Funds of Bank Institutions by Use of Funds 233

7-10 历年云南省金融机构现金收支情况(2003年) Historic Cash Income and Expenditures of Financial Institutions(2003) 234

7-11 全省保险业务经济技术指标(2003年) Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies(2003) 234

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 235

八、价格指数 Chapter 8 Price Indices 237

八、价格指数 Chapter 8 Price Indices 239

8-1 主要年份各种物价总指数 General Price Indices in Significant Years 239

8-2 商品零售价格和居民消费价格指数 Retail Price Indices and Residents Consumer Price Indices 240

8-3 各市居民消费价格分类指数(2003年) Consumer Price Indices by Category and City(2003) 241

8-4 各市商品零售价格分类指数(2003年) Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities and City(2003) 242

8-5 农村零售价格分类指数(2003年) Retail Price Indices by Category in Rural Areas(2003) 243

8-6 农村居民消费价格分类指数(2003年) Rural Consumer Price Indices by Category(2003) 246

8-7 主要年份农副产品收购价格分类指数 Purchase Price Indices of Agricultural and Sideline Products by Category in Significant Years 247

8-9 全省主要原材料、燃料、动力购进价格分类指数 Purchase Price Indices of Major Raw Materials,Fuels and Power by Sector 248

8-8 全省工业品出厂价格分类指数 Ex-factory Price Indices of Industrial Products by Sector 248

8-10 农产品生产价格和指数(2003年) Production Price and Price Indices of Agricultural Products(2003) 249

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 251

九、人民生活 Chapter 9 People s Livelihood 253

9-1 主要年份居民消费水平及其指数 Annual Average Living Expenditures of Residents and Related Indices in Significant Years 255

九、人民生活 Chapter 9 People s Livelihood 255

9-2 主要年份全省城乡储蓄存款余额 Balance of Savings Deposits in Significant Years 255

9-3 主要年份人民物质文化生活水平 People s Material and Cultural Living Level in Significant Years 256

9-4 历年城镇居民家庭生活基本情况 Historic Statistics on Livelihood of Urban Households 258

9-5 主要年份城镇居民家庭基本情况 Basic Statistics on Urban Households in Significant Years 259

9-7 各市县城镇居民家庭基本情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Urban Households in Cities and County Towns(2003) 260

9-6 城镇居民家庭生活基本情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Livelihood of Urban Households(2003) 260

9-8 城镇居民家庭不同收入水平基本情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Urban Households of Different Income Levels(2003) 262

9-9 城镇居民家庭按收入水平分组的平均每人全年消费性支出和构成(2003年) Per Capita Annual Living Expenditures of Urban Households and Their Composition by Income Level(2003) 264

9-10 城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出及构成(2003年) Per Capita Annual Living Expenditures of Urban Households and Their Composition(2003) 266

9-12 主要年份城镇居民家庭平均每百户年末主要耐用消费品拥有量 Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end in Significant Years 267

9-11 主要年份城镇居民家庭平均每人全年购买主要商品数量 Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households in Significant Years 267

9-13 城镇居民家庭平均每人全年购买主要商品数量(2003年) Per Capita Annual Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households(2003) 268

9-14 城镇居民家庭平均每百户年末主要消费品拥有量(2003年) Number of Major Consumer Goods Owned per 100 Urban Households at Year-end(2003) 269

9-15 主要年份农民家庭生活基本情况 Basic Statistics on Rural Household Livelihood in Significant Years 270

9-17 主要年份农民家庭按平均每人纯收入水平分组的户数构成 Proportion of Rural Households by per Capita Annual Net Income in Significant Years 271

9-16 主要年份农民家庭基本情况 Basic Statistics on Rural Households in Significant Years 271

9-18 农民家庭每人平均总收支及纯收入情况 Per Capita Annual Total Income Expenditures and Net Income of Rural Households 272

9-19 农村住户现金收支情况 Cash Income and Expenditures of Rural Households 273

9-21 农民家庭每人平均商品性和自给性生活消费支出及构成 Per Capita Living Expenditures on Commercial and Self-supplied Goods of Rural Households and Their Composition 274

9-20 农民家庭平均每人生活消费支出和构成 Per Capita Living Expenditures of Rural Households and Their Composition 274

9-23 主要年份农民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品年末拥有量 Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned per 100 Rural Households at the Year-end in Significant Years 275

9-22 主要年份农民家庭平均每人主要消费品消费量 Per Capita Consumption of Major Consumer Goods in Rural Households in Significant Years 275

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 276

十、农业 Chapter 10 Agriculture 279

10-1 主要年份全省农业生产基本情况 Basic Conditions of Agricultural Production0 281

十、农业 Chapter 10 Agricultural 281

10-2 农村基本情况 Basic Conditions of Rural Areas 281

10-3 全省水库库容量 Storage Capacity of Reservoirs 282

10-4 主要年份全省主要农业机械拥有量 Number of Major Agricultural Machinery Owned in Significant Years 282

10-5 全省农业机械和农产品加工机械拥有量(年末数) Number of Agricultural Machinery and Machinery for Processing Farm Products Owned at the Year-end 283

10-6 各地区农村基本情况及农业生产条件(2003年) Basic Conditions of Rural Areas and Agricultural Production by Region(2003) 283

10-7 各地区农用化肥施用量(2003年) Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers by Region(2003) 284

10-8 各地区水利情况(2003年) Basic Conditions of Water Conservancy by Region(2003) 284

10-9 历年农业总产值 Historic Total Output Value of Agriculture 285

10-10 历年农业总产值 Historic Total Output Value of Agriculture 286

10-11 历年农业总产值指数 Indices of Historic Gross Output Value of Agriculture 287

10-12 全省农林牧渔业总产值 Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery 288

10-14 各地区农林牧渔业总产值指数(2003年) Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2003) 289

10-13 各地区农林牧渔业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2003) 289

10-16 各地区农林牧渔业增加值(2003年) Added Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2003) 290

10-15 各地区农林牧渔业总产值构成(2003年) Composition of Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2003) 290

10-18 各地区农林牧渔业中间消耗、增加值占总产值比重(2003年) Proportion of Intermediate Consumption and Added Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery to Gross Output Value(2003) 291

10-17 各地区农林牧渔业中间消耗(2003年) Intermediate Consumption of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Region(2003) 291

10-19 各地区主要农作物播种面积(2003年) Total Sown Areas of Main Farm Crops by Region(2003) 292

10-20 主要年份全省主要农产品产量 Yields of Main Farm Products in Significant Years 293

10-21 各地区主要农作物产量(2003年) Yields of Main Farm Crops by Region(2003) 294

10-22 历年全省大小春粮食面积和产量 Historic Sown Areas and Yields of Grain Harvested in Early and Late Spring 295

10-24 全省茶叶、水果生产情况 Areas and Yields of Tea and Fruits 296

10-23 全省主要农作物产量 Yields of Main Farm Crops 296

10-25 全省主要农产品产量与历史最高年比较 Comparison of Output of Main Farm Products with the Highest in History 297

10-26 热带、亚热带作物面积和产量 Areas and Yields of Tropical and Subtropical Crops 297

10-27 各地区营林生产情况(2003年) Forestry Production by Region(2003) 298

10-28 各地区主要林产品产量(2003年) Output of Main Forest Products by Region(2003) 298

10-29 主要年份全省大牲畜年末数 Number of Large Livestock at the Year-end in Significant Years 299

10-30 主要年份全省猪、羊年末数及肉猪出栏数 Number of Hogs,Sheep and Goats at the Year-end and Slaughtered Fattened Hogs in Significant Years 299

10-31 全省畜牧业生产情况 Basic Conditions of Animal Husbandry Production 300

10-32 各地区牲畜饲养情况(2003年) Number of Livestock by Region(2003) 300

10-33 各地区畜产品产量(2003年) Output of Livestock Products by Region(2003) 301

10-34 各地区水产品产量及养殖面积(2003年) Output of Aquatic Products and Aquaculture Areas by Region(2003) 301

10-35 各地区主要蔬菜产品产量(2003年) Yields of Main Vegetable Products by Region(2003) 302

10-36 各地区特种作物生产情况(2003年) Yields of Special Crops by Region(2003) 302

10-37 农村住户人口与劳动力就业情况 Population and Labour Force of Rural Households Surveyed 303

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 308

十一、工业 Chapter 11 Industry 311

11-1 全部工业分经济类型工业产值和比重(2003年) Gross Output Value and Proportion of All Industries by Economic Industry(2003) 313

十一、工业 Chapter 11 Industry 313

11-2 历年工业总产值及指数 Historic Gross Output Value and Indices of Industry 314

11-3 全部国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业从业人员平均人数(2003年) Average Number of Employed Persons of All State-Owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual Pr 315

11-4 全部国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业单位数及总产值(2003年) Number of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual Product Sales Above 5 Million Yuan 317

11-5 独立核算国有工业企业单位数及总产值(2003年) Number of State-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Their Gross Product Value(2003) 320

11-6 年产品销售收入500万元以上的独立核算“三资”工业企业单位数及总产值(2003年) Number of Foreign-funded Industrial Enterprises with Independent AccountingSystems and Annual Product Sales Above 5 Million Yuan and Their Gross Product Va 323

11-8 各地区按企业规模分的工业单位数及总产值(2003年) Number of Industrial Enterprises and Their Gross Product Value by Enterprise Scale and Region(2003) 325

11-7 各地区按轻重工业分的工业企业单位数及总产值 Number of Industrial Enterprises and Their Gross Output Value by Light and Heavy Industries and Region 325

11-9 各地区主要行业工业企业单位数及总产值(2003年) Number of Industrial Enterprises of Major Sectors and Their Gross Output Value by Region(2003) 326

11-10 历年主要工业产品产量 Historic Output of Major Industral Products 330

11-11 主要年份全省主要工业产品产量 Output of Major Industrial Products in Significant Years 331

11-12 各地区主要工业产品产量(2003年) Output of Major Industrial Products by Region(2003) 333

11-13 全省主要工业产品生产、销售、库存量(2003年) Output,Sales and Inventory of Major Industrial Products(2003) 335

11-14 全省国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业主要财务指标(一)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual Product Sa 338

11-15 全省国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业主要财务指标(二)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual Product Sa 342

11-16 全省国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业主要财务指标(三)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual Product Sa 346

11-17 全省独立核算国有工业企业主要财务指标(一)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems(Ⅰ)(2003) 350

11-18 全省独立核算国有工业企业主要财务指标(二)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems(Ⅱ)(2003) 354

11-19 全省独立核算国有工业企业主要财务指标(三)(2003年) Principal Finance Indicators of State-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems(Ⅲ)(2003) 358

11-20 全部国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业全员劳动生产率(2003年) Overall Labor Productivity of State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and An-nual Product Sales A 362

11-21 全省主要工业产品生产能力(2003年) Production Capacity of Major Industrial Products(2003) 365

11-22 全省国有及年产品销售收入500万元以上非国有独立核算工业企业主要经济效益指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Economic Benefits of State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems and Annual 366

11-23 全省独立核算国有工业企业主要经济效益指标(2003年) Principal Indicators on Economic Benefits of State-owned Industrial Enterprises with Independent Accounting Systems(2003) 370

11-24 大中型企业主要指标及在全省工业中的地位(2003年) Principal Indicators of Large-scale and Medium-scale Enterprises and Their Proportion to the Provincial Industry(2003) 374

11-25 全省大中型工业企业一览表(2003年) Schedule of Large-scale and Medium-scale Enterprises(2003) 376

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 408

十二、能源、原材料生产和消费 Chapter 12 Production and Consumption of Energy and Raw Material 417

12-1 主要年份能源生产和消费总量及其构成 Total Production and Consumption of Energy and Their Composition in Significant Years 419

十二、能源原材料生产和消费 Chapter 12 Production and Consumption of Energy and Raw Material 419

12-2 主要行业原煤消费量和构成 Total Consumption of Coal of Main Sectors and Its Composition 420

12-3 主要行业能源消费总量和构成 Total Consumption of Energy of Main Sectors and Its Composition 422

12-4 主要行业焦炭消费量和构成 Total Consumption of Coke of Main Sectors and Its Composition 424

12-5 主要行业石油消费量和构成 Total Consumption of Petroleum of Main Sectors and Its Composition 426

12-6 主要行业电力消费量和构成 Total Consumption of Electricity of Main Sectors and Its Composition 428

12-7 主要年份能源利用经济效益指标 Indicators on Economic Benefits from Energy Utilization in Significant Years 430

12-9 能源消费弹性系数 Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption 431

12-8 能源生产弹性系数 Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production 431

12-10 云南能源平衡表 Balance Sheet of Energy 432

12-11 全省全部国有及年产量销售收入500万元以上非国有工业企业能源原材料消费与库存(2003年) Total Consumption and Inventory of Energy Raw Materials of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Total Annual Sales Abov 433

12-12 全省全部国有及年产量销售收入500万元以上非国有工业企业主要工业行业钢材和木材消费量 Consumption of Steel Products and Timber of Major Industrial Sectors of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises with Total Annual 434

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 435

十三、运输和邮电 Chapter 13 Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services 439

13-2 各地区公路运输线路长度(2003年) Length of Highways by Region(2003) 441

13-1 主要年份运输线路长度 Length of Transport Routes in Significant Years 441

十三、运输和邮电 Chapter 13 Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services 441

13-4 铁路客货车拥有量 Number of Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned 442

13-3 铁路里程和机车拥有量 Length of Railways and Number of Railway Locomotives Owned 442

13-5 各地区民用车辆拥有量(2003年) Number of Civil Motor Vehicles Owned by Region(2003) 443

13-6 各地区民用其它车辆拥有量(2003年) Number of Other Civil Motor Vehicles Owned by Region(2003) 444

13-7 各地区私人车辆拥有量(2003年) Number of Private Motor Vehicles by Region(2003) 445

13-9 内河、湖泊主要港口码头泊位数(2003年) Number of Berths in Major Ports of Inland Rivers and Lakes(2003) 446

13-8 民用运输船舶年末实有数 Number of Civil Transport Vessels at the Year-end 446

13-11 主要年份旅客周转量 Passenger-kilometers in Significant Years 447

13-10 主要年份客运量 Passenger Traffic in Significant Years 447

13-12 主要年份货运量 Freight Traffic in Significant Years 448

13-14 主要年份货物运输平均运距 Average Transport Distance of Freight in Significant Years 449

13-15 主要年份旅客运输平均运距 Average Transport Distance of Passengers in Significant Years 449

13-16 铁路货物运输量 Railway Freight Traffic 450

13-17 公路部门货物运输量 Highway Freight Traffic 450

13-18 铁路运输经济技术主要指标(准轨) Principal Economic and Technical Indicators on(Standard)Railway Transport 451

13-19 铁路运输主要财务成本指标 Financial Cost Indicators on Railway Transport 452

13-20 公路运输经济技术主要指标 Principal Economic and Technical Indicators on Highway Transport 452

13-21 民用航空主要财务成本指标 Financial Cost Indicators of Civil Aviation 453

13-22 民航运输生产主要指标 Principal Indicators of Civil Aviation 453

13-23 主要年份邮电通信网 Basic Conditions of Post and Telecommunication Services and Networks in Significant Years 454

13-24 主要年份邮电业务量 Post and Telecommunication Services in Significant Years 455

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 456

十四、建筑业 Chapter 14 Construction 459

十四、建筑业 Chapter 14 Construction 461

14-1 建筑施工企业个数和人数及施工产值 Number of Construction Enterprises,Employed Persons and Their Output Value 461

14-3 建筑施工企业主要经济指标(2003年) Principal Economic Indicators of Construction Enterprises(2003) 462

14-2 各种经济类型建筑企业主要指标(2003年) Principal Indicators of Various Construction Enterprises(2003) 462

14-4 各地区的建筑业企业单位数及从事建筑业生产的平均人数(2003年) Number of Construction Enterprises and Average Number of Employed Persons by Region(2003) 464

14-5 各地区建筑业总产值构成(2003年) Gross Output Value of Construction Enterprises and Its Composition by Region(2003) 464

14-7 各地区的建筑业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 465

14-6 各地区建筑业增加值(2003年) Added Value of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 465

14-9 各地区建筑企业劳动生产率(2003年) Labor Productivity of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 466

14-8 各地区房屋建筑面积(2003年) Floor Space of Building Construction by Region(2003) 466

14-11 各地区建筑企业技术装备情况(2003年) Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 467

14-10 各地区建筑企业工程质量(2003年) Construction Quality of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 467

14-13 各地区建筑业企业资产(2003年) Assets of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 468

14-12 各地区的建筑业企业资本及资产(2003年) Capital and Assets of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 468

14-15 各地区的所有者权益(2003年) Owner s Equity by Region(2003) 469

14-14 各地区建筑业企业负债及所有者权益(2003年) Liabilities and Owner s Equity of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 469

14-17 各地区的建筑业企业总收入及利税总额(2003年) Total Income and Total Pre-tax Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 470

14-16 各地区建筑企业总收入(2003年) Total Income of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 470

14-19 各地区的建筑业企业利润总额与工程结算利润(2003年) Total Profits and Profits of Project Settlement of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 471

14-18 各地区建筑业企业利税总额(2003年) Total Pre-tax Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 471

14-20 分行业国有经济建筑业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 472

14-21 各地区国有经济建筑业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 472

14-23 各地区国有经济建筑施工企业生产完成情况(2003年) Production Completion of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 474

14-22 分行业国有经济建筑施工企业生产完成情况(2003年) Production Completion of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 474

14-25 各地区国有经济建筑施工企业固定资产和机械设备(2003年) Possession of Fixed Assets,Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment in State-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 476

14-24 分行业国有经济建筑施工企业固定资产和机械设备(2003年) Possession of Fixed Assts,Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment in State-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 476

14-26 分行业国有经济建筑施工企业主要经济指标(2003年) Principal Economic Indicators of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 478

14-27 各地区国有经济建筑施工企业主要经济指标(2003年) Principal Economic Indicators of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 480

14-28 分行业集体经济建筑业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 482

14-29 各地区集体经济建筑业总产值(2003年) Gross Output Value of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 482

14-30 分行业集体经济建筑施工企业生产完成情况(2003年) Production Completion of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 484

14-31 各地区集体经济建筑施工企业生产完成情况(2003年) Production Completion of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 485

13-13 主要年份货物周转量 Freight Ton-kilometers in Significant Years 486

14-33 各地区集体经济建筑施工企业固定资产和机械设备(2003年) Possession of Fixed Assets,Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 486

14-32 分行业集体经济建筑施工企业固定资产和机械设备(2003年) Possession of Fixed Assets,Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 486

14-34 分行业集体经济建筑施工企业主要经济指标(2003年) Principal Economic Indicators of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Sector(2003) 488

14-35 各地区集体经济建筑施工企业主要经济指标(2003年) Principal Economic Indicators of Collective-owned Construction Enterprises by Region(2003) 490

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 491

十五、国内贸易 Chapter 15 Domestic Trade 493

十五、国内贸易 Chapter 15 Domestic Trade 495

15-1 流通业基本情况 Basic Statistics on Circulation of Commodities 495

15-2 主要年份社会消费品零售总额 Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Significant Years 496

15-3 社会消费品零售总额(2003年) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(2003) 497

15-4 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品购进、销售、库存总额(按登记注册类型分)(2003年) Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Status of Registration(2003) 498

15-5 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品购进、销售、库存总额(按国民经济行业分)(2003年) Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Sector(2003) 500

15-6 各地区社会消费品零售总额(2003年) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region(2003) 502

15-7 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品分类销售额 Total Sales of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Category of Commodities 503

15-8 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品销售、库存数量 Total Sales and Inventory of Commodities of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Commodities 504

15-9 社会农业生产资料购、销、存总额和主要商品(2003年) Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Agricultural Production Means and Main Commodities(2003) 505

15-10 社会农副产品收购总额和数量(2003年) Total Purchases and Number of Farm and Sideline Products(2003) 505

15-11 农业商品率 Commercialization Rate of Agricultural Products 506

15-12 商品交易市场分类情况 Classification of Commodity Markets 506

15-13 市场成交额情况 Business Volume of Markets 507

15-14 餐饮业商品销售情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Commodity Sales of Food Service(2003) 508

15-15 限额以上零售、餐饮连锁店(公司)商品销售情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Commodity Sales of Retail and food Chain Stores(Companies)Above Designated Size(2003) 510

5-16 限额以上批发贸易企业财务状况(按登记注册类型分)(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade by Status of Registration(2003) 510

15-17 限额以上批发贸易企业财务状况(按国民经济行业分)(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade by Sector(2003) 518

15-18 限额以上零售贸易企业财务状况(按登记注册类型分)(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Trade by Status of Registration(2003) 526

15-19 限额以上零售贸易企业财务状况(按国民经济行业分,2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Trade by Sector(2003) 534

15-20 限额以上餐饮企业财务状况(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Food Services(2003) 542

15-22 各地区限额以上餐饮企业增加值(2003年) Added Value of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Food Services by Region(2003) 548

15-21 各地区限额以上批发零售贸易企业增加值(2003年) Added Value of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Region(2003) 548

15-23 各地区限额以上批发零售贸易企业财务状况(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Region(2003) 549

15-24 限额以上餐饮企业财务状况(2003年) Financial Conditions of Enterprises Above Designated Size in Food Service(2003) 552

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 556

十六、对外经济贸易和旅游 Chapter 16 Foreign Trade,Economy and Trade and Tourism 559

十六、对外经济贸易和旅游 Chapter 16 Foreign Trade,Economy Cooperation and Tourism 561

16-1 进出口贸易总额 Total Value of Import and Export Trade 561

16-2 主要进出口贸易方式总值 Total Value of Main Modes of Import and Export Trade 561

16-3 云南省对主要国家及地区出口总值 Total Value of Provincial Exports to Major Countries and Regions 562

16-4 云南省对主要国家及地区进口总值 Total Value of Provincial Imports from Major Countries and Regions 564

16-5 出口额500万美元以上的商品量值(2003年) Value and Quantity of Export Commodities Above 5 Million Dollars(2003) 566

16-6 进口额500万美元以上的商品量值(2003年) Value and Quantity of Import Commodities Above 5 Million Dollars(2003) 568

16-7 进口额500万美元以上的主要经营单位(2003年) Main Operation Entities with Import Value Above 5 Million Dollars(2003) 569

16-8 出口额500万美元以上的主要经营单位(2003年) Main Operation Entities with Export Value Above 5 Million Dollars(2003) 570

16-9 边境贸易进出口总额 Total Value of Imports and Exports of Border Trade 572

16-10 全省各地、州、市进出口总值(2003年) Total Value of Imports and Exports by Prefecture and City(2003) 572

16-11 利用外资概况 Utilization of Foreign Capital 573

16-12 对外签订利用外资协议(合同)额 Amount of Foreign Capital Utilized Through the Signed Agreements(Contracts) 573

16-13 分行业利用外商直接投资情况 Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment by Sector 574

16-14 实际利用外商直接投资额(按国别,地区分) Actually Utilized Foreign Direct Investment by Country and Region 574

16-15 实际利用外资额 Foreign Investment Actually Utilized 575

16-16 各地区利用外商直接投资情况 Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment by Region 575

16-17 对外承包工程和劳务合作 Contracted Projects and Labor Cooperation with Foreign Countries 576

16-18 旅游接待人数及旅游总收入情况 Number of Tourists and Total Tourism Revenue 577

16-19 全省分国别接待旅游人次 Number of International Tourists in Yunnan by Nationality 577

16-20 各地区接待旅游人次(2003年) Number of International Tourists by Region(2003) 578

16-21 边境地区口岸入境一日游游客及外汇收入(2003年) Number of One-day Entry Tourists and Earnings in Foreign Exchange in Border Areas(2003) 578

主要统计指标解释 Exolanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 579

十七、教育、科技 Chapter 17 Education,Science and Technology 583

十七、教育、科技 Chapter 17 Education,Science and Technology 585

17-1 主要年份各级各类学校数 Number of Schools in Significant Years by Level and Type of School 585

17-2 主要年份各级各类学校专任教师数 Number of Teachers in Significant Years by Level and Type of School 585

17-3 主要年份各级各类学校在校学生数 Number of Student Enrollment in Significant Years by Level and Type of School 586

17-4 主要年份各级各类学校招生数 Number of New Student Enrollment in Significant Years by Level and Type of School 586

17-5 主要年份各级各类学校毕业生数 Number of Graduates in Significant Years by Level and Type of School 587

17-6 全省研究生数 Number of Postgraduates 587

17-8 各级各类学校师生比例(2003年) Students-teacher Ratio by Level and Type of School 588

17-7 各级各类成人学校基本情况(2003年) Basic Statistics on Adult Schools by Level and Type of School(2003) 588

17-11 全省自然科学研究机构数(独立科研机构) Number of Research Institutions of Natural Science(Independent Research Institutions) 589

17-10 全省自然科学研究成果获奖统计 Statistics on Prizes of Natural Science Research Achievements 589

17-9 小学学龄儿童入学率 Enrollment Rate of School-age Children in Primary Schools 589

17-13 全省分行业自然科学独立研究机构科技活动人员数 Number of Scientific and Technical Personnel in Independent Research Institutions of Natural Science by Sector 590

17-12 全省分行业自然科学独立研究机构数 Number of Independent Research Institutions of Natural Science by Sector 590

17-15 主要年份全省专利申请和批准数 Patent Applications Examined and Granted in Significant Years 591

17-14 各地区自然科学机构中从事科技人员数(2003年) Number of Scientific and Technical Personnel in Natural Science Institutions by Region(2003) 591

17-17 各地区独立研究与开发机构情况 Basic Statistics on Independent Scientific Research and Development Institutions by Region 592

17-16 全省县级以上政府部门属独立研究与开发机构及情报文献机构数、人员数 Number of Independent Research and Development Institutions and Information and Literature Institutions Subordinated to Government Departments Above County Level,an 592

17-19 科技活动经费筹集与使用情况(2003年) Funds Raising on Scientific and Technological Activities(2003) 593

17-18 全省科技成果情况(2003年) Scientific and Technological Achievements(2003) 593

17-21 科技活动经费支出情况 Expenditures on Scientific and Technological Activities 594

17-20 科技活动单位及科技活动人员情况 Basic Statistics on Entities and Personnel for Scientific and Technological Activities 594

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 595

十八、文化、体育、卫生和其他 Chapter 18 Culture,Sports,Public Health and Others 601

18-1 主要年份全省文化事业机构数 Number of Cultural Institutions in Significant Years 603

十八、文化、体育、卫生和其他 Chapter 18 Culture,Sports,Public Health and Others 603

18-3 主要年份图书馆、博物馆活动情况 Basic Statistics on Services of Libraries and Museums in Significant Years 604

18-2 主要年份艺术、群众文化活动情况 Basic Statistics on Artist and Mass Cultural Activities in Significant Years 604

18-5 少数民族文字图书、杂志、报纸出版情况 Publication of Books,Magazines and Newspapers in Ethnic Languages 605

18-4 主要年份图书、杂志、报纸出版情况 Publication of Books,Magazines and Newspapers in Significant Years 605

18-6 主要年份图书杂志分类构成情况(按印数分) Composition of Books and Magazines Published by Catalogue and Impression in Significant Years 605

18-7 广播电视节目构成情况 Composition of Broadcasting and Television Programs 606

18-8 全省运动员比赛获奖情况 Prizes Won by Yunnan Athletes 606

18-9 主要年份图书杂志分类构成情况(按种数分) Composition of Books and Magazines Published by Catalogue 607

18-10 主要年份等级裁判员、运动员每年发展数 Number of Referees and Athletes in Grades in Significant Years 607

18-11 广播电视普及情况 Basic Statistics on Broadcasting and Television 607

18-12 卫生机构数 Number of Health Institutions 608

18-13 卫生机构床位数 Number of Sickbeds in Health Institutions 608

18-14 卫生机构人员数 Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions 609

18-15 按床位分组的县及县以上医院数(2003年) Number of Hospitals at and Above County Level by Sickbed(2003) 609

18-16 主要年份卫生防疫站、妇幼保健机构情况 Basic Statistics on CDCs,Maternity and Child-care Centers 610

18-17 自然灾害救济情况 Basic Statistics on Relief Work on Natural Disasters 610

18-18 优抚事业基本情况 Basic Statistics on Special Care and Preferential Treatment to Disable Servicemen and to Family Members of Martyrs and Servicemen 611

18-19 社会福利事业基本情况 Basic Statistics on Social Welfare 611

18-20 各地区工业废水排放及处理情况(2003年) Discharge and Disposal of Industrial Waste Water by Region(2003) 612

18-21 各地区工业废气排放及处理情况(2003年) Emission and Disposal of Industrial Waste Gas by Region(2003) 612

18-22 各地区工业固体废物排放及处理利用情况(2003年) Discharge,Disposal and Recycling of Industrial Solid Wastes by Region(2003) 613

18-23 全省“三废”治理项目完成情况 Completion of“Three Wastes”Disposal 614

主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Principal Statistical Indicators 615

十九、企业调查 Chapter 19 Survey of Enterprises 619

19-1 云南省主要企业集团监测运行情况(2003年) Operation of Major Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(2003) 621

十九、企业调查 Chapter 19 Enterprises Survey 621

19-2 云南省主要企业集团财务指标(一) Finance Indicators of Major Enterprise Groups(Ⅰ) 624

19-3 云南省主要企业集团财务指标(二) Finance Indicators of Major Enterprise Groups(Ⅱ) 626

19-4 云南省主要企业集团财务指标(三) Finance Indicators of Major Enterprise Groups(Ⅲ) 628

19-5 云南省主要企业集团财务指标(四) Finance Indicators of Major Enterprise Groups(Ⅳ) 630

19-6 云南省企业集团成员企业主要业务指标(2003年) Principal Business Indicators of Enterprise Group Members(2003) 632

19-7 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测主要指标(一)(2003年) Principal Indicators of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(Ⅰ)(2003) 634

19-8 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测主要指标(二)(2003年) Principal Indicators of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(Ⅱ)(2003) 636

19-9 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测主要指标(三)(2003年) Principal Indicators of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(Ⅲ)(2003) 638

19-10 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测主要指标(四)(2003年) Principal Indicators of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(Ⅳ)(2003) 640

19-11 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测主要指标(五)(2003年) Principal Indicators of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(Ⅴ)(2003) 642

19-12 云南省重点企业建立现代企业制度跟踪监测运行情况(2003年) Operation of Key Enterprises Following Modern Enterprise Supervising and Evaluating Institution(2003) 644

19-13 云南省重点支持30户大企业(集团)发展情况 Basic Statistics on the Development of 30 Large Enterpris

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