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疯狂英语Step by Step  英语语法入门  高级篇  全彩图解

疯狂英语Step by Step 英语语法入门 高级篇 全彩图解PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:陈海花主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787306049865
  • 标注页数:235 页
  • PDF页数:248 页

查看更多关于疯狂英语Step by Step 英语语法入门 高级篇 全彩图解的内容


Unit 1 名词的数 2

Lesson 1 I have three novels.名词的规则复数形式 2

Lesson 2 She has three children.名词的不规则复数形式 4

Lesson 3 The police are looking into the murder case.集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词的数 6

Lesson 4 They are giving out brochures to passers.by.合成词的复数形式 8

Unit Test 10

Unit 2 形容词和副词 12

Lesson 1 The story is very interesting.形容词的功能 12

Lesson 2 He is older than me.形容词的比较级和最高级 14

Lesson 3 He ran faster than me in the race.副词的比较级和最高级 16

Lesson 4 This house is as big as that one.同级比较 18

Lesson 5 My room is three times bigger than your room.倍数表达法 20

Unit Test 22

Unit 3 动词、动词短语和被动语态 24

Lesson 1 My father works in a factory.动词的分类 24

Lesson 2 She wants to study abroad.动词的用法 26

Lesson 3 How did the car accident come about?动词短语 28

Lesson 4 The house is cleaned.动词的语态 30

Lesson 5 The dish tastes very delicious.用主动语态表被动语态 32

Unit Test 34

Unit 4 it的特殊用法 36

Lesson 1 It is no use persuading him to give up smoking.it用作形式主语 36

Lesson 2 It took me half an hour to get to the station.it作主语的其他句型 38

Lesson 3 I found it hard to answer the teacher’s question.it用作形式宾语 40

Lesson 4 When it comes to football,the boy becomes excited.it的其他句型 42

Unit Test 44

Unit 5 情态动词的用法 46

Lesson 1 He can swim.can/could的用法 46

Lesson 2 You may go now.may/might的用法 48

Lesson 3 You must be careful while crossing the road.must的用法 50

Lesson 4 You should get up early.should的用法 52

Lesson 5 I will call you tonight.will/would的用法 54

Lesson 6 Shall I help you?其他情态动词的用法 56

Unit Test 58

Unit 6 主谓一致 60

Lesson 1 A writer and editor was present at the meeting.并列结构作主语时的主谓一致 60

Lesson 2 My family is a big one.谓语动词用单数的情况 62

Lesson 3 One third of the book is finished.“表部分的名词+of+名词”作主语时的主谓一致 64

Unit Test 66

Unit 7 不定式的用法 68

Lesson 1 To learn English well is very hard.不定式作主语、宾语和表语 68

Lesson 2 I want something to eat.不定式用作定语 70

Lesson 3 The doctor advised me to take a rest.不定式用作宾语补足语 72

Lesson 4 We got up early to catch the first bus.不定式用作状语 74

Lesson 5 The boy pretended to be sleeping when I came in.不定式的进行式、完成式和被动式 76

Lesson 6 I don’t know what to buy in the shop.动词不定式和疑问词的连用 78

Unit Test 80

Unit 8 动名词的用法 82

Lesson 1 Travelling abroad can be very exciting.动名词用作主语、宾语、表语和定语 82

Lesson 2 Would you mind my opening the window?动名词的逻辑主语 84

Lesson 3 He regretted having shot the bird.动名词的形式和语态 86

Lesson 4 It has stopped raining outside.动名词和不定式的区别 88

Unit Test 90

Unit 9 现在分词的用法 92

Lesson 1 The story is very interesting.现在分词作表语、定语和补语 92

Lesson 2 The girls came in,speaking and laughing.现在分词作状语 94

Lesson 3 Time permitting,we will visit the Great Wall.现在分词的独立结构 96

Unit Test 98

Unit 10 过去分词的用法 100

Lesson 1 The cup is broken.过去分词作表语、定语和宾语补足语 100

Lesson 2 Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.过去分词作状语 102

Lesson 3 China is a developing country.过去分词和现在分词的区别 104

Unit Test 106

Unit 11 with的复合结构和独立主格结构 108

Lesson 1 He likes to sleep with the light on.with的复合结构 108

Lesson 2 The meeting over,they all left the hall.独立主格结构 110

Unit Test 112

Unit 12 一般现在时 114

Lesson 1 He plays football everyday.一般现在时的构成 114

Lesson 2 The boy plays basketball once a week.一般现在时的用法 116

Lesson 3 Does he go to the park everyday?一般现在时的疑问句形式 118

Unit Test 120

Unit 13 现在进行时的用法 122

Lesson 1 The children are playing football.现在进行时的构成形式 122

Lesson 2 It is raining heavily outside.现在进行时的用法 124

Lesson 3 I am leaving tomorrow.现在进行时表将来和表经常 126

Unit Test 128

Unit 14 一般过去时的用法 130

Lesson 1 A car accident happened yesterday.一般过去时的构成 130

Lesson 2 My father bought a car last year.一般过去时的用法 132

Lesson 3 He did not go to the party yesterday.一般过去时的几种句式 134

Unit Test 136

Unit 15 过去进行时的用法 138

Lesson 1 She was watching TV at home last night.过去进行时的构成 138

Lesson 2 They were waving to us.过去进行时的用法 140

Unit Test 142

Unit 16 过去完成时的用法 144

Lesson 1 He had finished his homework.过去完成时的构成和定义 144

Lesson 2 When we got there,the basketball match had already started.过去完成时和一般过去时的比较 146

Lesson 3 The train had hardly left the station when we arrived there.与过去完成时连用的句式 148

Unit Test 150

Unit 17 现在完成时的用法 152

Lesson 1 He has finished his homework.现在完成时的构成及用法 152

Lesson 2 It has been three years since we last met each other.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 154

Unit Test 156

Unit 18 一般将来时的用法 158

Lesson 1 I will go to the cinema this afternoon.一般将来时的构成和基本用法 158

Lesson 2 We are going to start at 6.一般将来时的几种句式 160

Unit Test 162

Unit 19 简单句、并列句和复合句 164

Lesson 1 The plane has landed.简单句 164

Lesson 2 Hurry up or you will be late.并列句 166

Lesson 3 The film had begun when we got to the cinema.复合句 168

Unit Test 170

Unit 20 定语从句 172

Lesson 1 The book that/which I bought yesterday is worth ten yuan.that,which,who,whom关系代词 172

Lesson 2 This is the best park that I have ever seen.which和 that引导定语从句时的区别 174

Lesson 3 The book whose cover is red is about the history of Europe.whose引导的定语从句 176

Lesson 4 I still remember the day when we worked on the farm.关系副词引导的定语从句 178

Lesson 5 The book for which I paid ten yuan is very exciting.介词+关系代词 180

Lesson 6 He broke the window,whi ch made his mother very angry.非限制性定语从句 182

Lesson 7 We have visited many places that impressed us deeply.定语从句中需要注意的几个问题 184

Unit Test 186

Unit 21 名词性从句 188

Lesson 1 That our team won the football match made us very excited.主语从句的用法 188

Lesson 2 I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes.宾语从句的用法 190

Lesson 3 The fact is that we have lost the game.表语从句的用法 192

Lesson 4 The fact that our team won the match made us excited.同位语从句的用法 194

Lesson 5 He told me (that) he would go to Beijing tomorrow.名词性从句中需要注意的问题 196

Unit Test 198

Unit 22 状语从句 200

Lesson 1 Mother was watching TV when I came in.时间状语从句 200

Lesson 2 He was absent because he had to look after his sick mother.原因状语从句202Lesson 3 We must camp where we can get water.地点状语从句 204

Lesson 4 Although he was a child,he knew a lot.让步状语从句 206

Lesson 5 You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean.条件状语从句 208

Lesson 6 He turned up the radio so that everyone could hear it.目的和结果状语从句 210

Lesson 7 You should do as I told you to.方式和比较状语从句 212

Unit Test 214

Unit 23 倒装 216

Lesson 1 There comes the bus.全部倒装句 216

Lesson 2 Never have I seen such a performance.部分倒装句(一) 218

Lesson 3 So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.部分倒装句(二) 220

Unit Test 222

Unit 24 虚拟语气 224

Lesson 1 If it had been fine that day,I would have gone to the party.虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的用法 224

Lesson 2 If he had followed my advice,he would not be in trouble now.错综条件句和含蓄条件句 226

Lesson 3 The teacher suggests that we should read English more.虚拟语气在宾语从句中的用法 228

Lesson 4 It’s important that measures should be taken to prevent AIDS from spreading.虚拟语气在主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中的运用 230

Lesson 5 He smiled as if he had known the fact.虚拟语气在其他从句中的运用 232

Unit Test 234

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