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Chapter 1.Introduction to the Law of Remedies 1

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller Remedies in a Traditional Private Case 3

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Remedies in a Public Law Case 4

Abram Chayes,The Role of the Judge in Public Law Litigation 5

Remedies:Public and Private 8

Chapter 2.Sources and Limits of the Courts’ Remedial Pow-er 10

A.“Where There’s a Right,There’s a Remedy” 12

Bivens v.Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics 12

Notes 18

B.Limits on the Courts’ Remedial Power 20

Schweiker v.Chilicky 20

Notes 26

A Digression:Remedial Choice in the Statutory Context 27

A Further Digression:Official Immunity,Sovereign Immuni-ty,and the Eleventh Amendment 29

Vicki C.Jackson,The Supreme Court,The Eleventh Amendment,and State Sovereign Immunity 30

Rizzo v.Goode 36

Notes 41

United States v.City of Philadelphia 42

Notes 48

Chapter 3.The Nature,Availability,and Scope of Injunc-tions 51

A.The Nature of An Injunction 51

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) The Choice Between an Injunction and Damages 51

B.Plaintiff’s Rightful Position as the Measure of an Injunction 55

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Defining the Right-ful Position 55

Mt.Healthy City School District Board of Education v.Doyle 56

Notes 59

Note on Rightful Position as Reconsideration or Remand in Administrative Law 60

B.Plaintiff’s Rightful Position as the Measure of an Injunction—Continued 62

Problem 62

Newman v.Alabama 63

Notes 65

C.The Prerequisites for Injunctive Relief 66

1.Threat of Harm 66

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) The Threat of Harm 66

Hecht Co.v.Bowles 67

Notes 71

Note on the Relationship Between Threat of Harm and the Scope of an Injunction 72

City of Los Angeles v.Lyons 74

Notes 83

2.Inadequate Remedy at Law 85

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) The Choice Between Legal and Equitable Remedies 85

Note on the Maxims of Equity 86

Note on the Declining Importance of the Inadequate Remedy at Law Rule 88

Laycock,The Death of the Irreparable Injury Rule 89

Note on Whether to Abandon the Inadequacy Requirement 90

Alan Schwartz,The Case for Specific Performance 92

Notes 95

Note on Legislative Variations on the Inadequacy Require-ment in Administrative Law 96

3.Practicality of Enforcement 97

D.Granting Less or More Than Plaintiff’s Rightful Position 100

1.Granting Less Than Plaintiff’s Rightful Position:Balanc-ing the Equities 100

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Balancing the Equities 100

Note on When Injunctions Are Efficient 101

Smith v.Staso Milling Co 104

Notes 106

Brown v.Board of Education (Brown Ⅱ) 110

Notes 112

Problem 113

Tennessee Valley Authority v.Hill 113

Notes 121

Weinberger v.Romero-Barcelo 121

Notes 128

David Schoenbrod,The Measure of an Injunction:A Princi-ple to Replace Balancing the Equities and Tailoring the Remedy 130

Note on Balancing in Administrative Enforcement 133

D.Granting Less or More Than Plaintiff’s Rightful Position-Continued 133

2.Granting More Than Plaintiff’s Rightful Position:Pro-phylactic Orders 133

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Prophylactic Orders 133

Swann v.Charlotte.Mecklenburg Board of Education 137

Notes 144

Problems 147

3.Injunctions That Harm Persons Not Adjudged to Have Violated Plaintiffs’ Rights 151

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Injunctions That Harm the Innocent 151

Martin v.Wilks 154

Notes 160

E.Specific Remedies Other Than Injunctions 161

Chapter 4.Procedures for Formulating,Administering,and Enforcing the Injunction 165

A.Procedures for Obtaining Injunctive Relief 165

1.Types of Injunctions 165

Problem:Unauthorized Merchants 168

2.Standards for Granting Preliminary Relief 168

Chalk v.United States District Court 169

Notes 173

John Leubsdorf,The Standard for Preliminary Injunctions 173

American Hospital Supply Corporation v.Hospital Products Limited 179

Notes 182

Problems 183

3.The Security Requirement 183

(a) The Amount of Security 183

(b) Collecting on the Security 185

B.Formulating and Administering the Injunction 185

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Drafting and Ad-ministering an Injunction 185

1.Drafting the Injunction 185

Special Project—The Remedial Process in Institutional Re-form Litigation 186

Curtis J.Berger,Away From the Court House and Into the Field.The Odyssey of a Special Master 191

Hart v.Community School Board 200

Curtis J.Berger,Away From the Court House and Into the Field:The Odyssey of a Special Master 205

Notes 208

2.Administering the Injunction 209

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Determining Compliance With an Injunction 209

B.Formulating and Administering the Injunction—Continued Developments in the Law—Injunctions 210

James A.Henderson,Jr.& Richard A.Pearson,Implement-ing Federal Environmental Policies:The Limits of Aspira-tional Commands 212

Notes 214

Special Project—The Remedial Process in Institutional Re-form Litigation 216

Notes 219

David I.Levine,The Authority for the Appointment of Remedial Special Masters in Federal Institutional Reform Litigation:The History Reconsidered 220

Illinois v.Costle 222

Notes 224

Murray Levine,Charles P.Ewing & David I.Levine,The Use of Law for Prevention in the Public Interest 225

Note 230

Michael Lottman,Enforcing Judicial Decrees:Now Comes the Hard Part 230

Problems 232

3.Accommodating Changing Circumstances:Modification of the Decree 232

Timothy S.Jost,From Swift to Stotts and Beyond:Modifica-tion of Injunctions in the Federal Courts 233

Note on Modification of a Permanent Injunction 234

Problems 235

Firefighters Local Union No.1784 v.Stotts 236

Notes 246

4.Retaining,Closing and Re.opening a Case 247

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Obtaining Re-lease From an Injunction 247

Morgan v.Nucci 248

Notes 253

United States v.Overton 254

Dowell v.Board of Education 260

Notes 262

C.Resistance to the Decree 263

1.The Contempt Power 264

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Civil or Crimi-nal Contempt 264

Hicks on Behalf of Feiock v.Feiock 265

Notes on In Personam Versus In Rem Enforcement 273

Notes on the Classification of Contempt Proceedings 273

Notes on the Elements of Contempt 274

Notes on Sanctions 276

Problem:Dr.Morgan and Ms.Bouknight 277

Notes on Procedures 278

C.Resistance to the Decree—Continued 279

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Violating an Anticipated Order 279

Griffin v.County School Board of Prince Edward County 279

Notes on Getting Tricky With a Court 284

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) The Collateral Bar Rule 286

In re Providence Journal Co 286

Notes on the Collateral Bar Rule 293

2.Enforcement Against Persons Who Are Not Parties 295

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Injunctions That Require The Cooperation Of Nonparties 295

State University of New York v.Denton 295

Notes on Injunctions Against Nonparties 298

United States v.Hall 300

Notes 304

Note on Washington v.Washington State Commercial Pas-senger Fishing Vessel Assoc 305

Note on Notice 306

3.Enforcement Against the Government 307

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Injunctions That Require the Cooperation of Public Officials 307

Notes on Virginia v.West Virginia 310

Note on Why Courts so Rarely Try to Override Legislatures 313

Note on How the Eleventh Amendment Complicates Enforce-ment 313

Jenkins v.Missouri 319

Notes on the Judicial Power to Override Legislative Choices 326

United States v.City of Yonkers 328

Spallone v.United States 338

Notes on Tactics to Override Legislative Decisions 347

Alexander Bickel,The Least Dangerous Branch 352

Chapter 5.Declaratory Judgment 358

Aetna Life Insurance Co.v.Haworth 361

Notes 364

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Declaratory Judg-ment 365

Cunningham Brothers,Inc.v.Bail 366

Notes 369

Note on Jurisdiction Under the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act 371

Note on the Eleventh Amendment and Declaratory Judgment 372

Poe v.Ullman 374

Notes 377

Note on Resolving Uncertainty in the Enforcement of Regulations 378

Note on Reformation 381

Chapter 6.Criminal and Civil Sanctions 383

A.Distinguishing Criminal and Civil Sanctions 383

Kennedy v.Mendoza-Martinez 384

United States v.Halper 388

United States v.Salerno 394

Notes 399

Notes on Differences Between Civil and Criminal Proceedings 400

B.Principle of Proportionality 403

Solem v.Helm 403

Notes 411

Note on Sentencing 413

United States Sentencing Commission,Sentencing Guidelines for United States Courts 414

Notes 420

Report of Independent Counsel in In re Edwin Meese Ⅲ 422

Note 426

Problem 427

C.Punitive Damages 428

Grimshaw v.Ford Motor Co 428

Juzwin v.Amtorg Trading Corp.(Juzwin Ⅰ) 435

Juzwin v.Amtorg Trading Corp.(Juzwin Ⅱ) 441

Notes 443

D.Civil Economic Sanctions 447

William Drayton,Economic Law Enforcement 447

Notes 456

United States v.Coastal States Crude Gathering Co 459

Calero-Toledo v.Pearson Yacht Leasing Co 461

Notes 464

Chapter 7.Money Judgments:Damages and Restitution 466

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) The Damages Option 466

A.Introduction 466

Charles McCormick,Handbook on the Law of Damages 466

Bowen v.Massachusetts 467

Notes 473

Problem:Miller v.Insurance Company (A Variation) Damages,or “Equitable Monetary Relief”? 476

Memphis Community School District v.Stachura 476

Notes 482

B.The Basic Issues 486

Charles McCormick,Handbook on the Law of Damages 486

Notes 487

Problems 493

C.An Overview of Tort Damages 494

Ayers v.Jackson Township 494

Notes 507

Note,California’s Collateral Source Rule and Plaintiff’s Receipt of Uninsured Motorist Benefits 514

D.An Overview of Contract Damages 518

Great American Music Machine,Inc.v.Mid-South Record Press-ing Co 518

Notes 525

Justin Sweet,Liquidated Damages in California 531

E.An Overview of Restitution 535

Restatement of Restitution 535

Restitution:Concepts and Terms 535

1.The Substantive Basis for Unjust Enrichment Claims 537

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Restitution for Benefits Conferred 537

Kossian v.American National Insurance Co 538

Notes 541

Note on the Substantive Law of Restitution 543

2.The Elements of the Restitutionary Award 545

Hutchison v.Pyburn 545

Notes on Rescission and Restitution 548

Notes 550

3.Measuring the Restitutionary Recovery 553

Olwell v.Nye & Nissen 553

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) A Restitution Option? 555

Ramona Manor Convalescent Hospital v.Care Enterprises 556

Notes 557

Notes on Measuring the Restitutionary Recovery 558

4.Equitable Restitutionary Remedies 562

Latham v.Father Divine 562

Restatement of Restitution 563

North American Coin & Currency,Ltd.v.Eastlic 564

Notes 566

The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v.Jolley 568

Notes 570

United States v.Banco Cafetero Panama 573

Notes 578

Snepp v.United States 581

Notes 586

Problem:Moore v.Regents of the University of California 589

F.A Closer Look:Some Transsubstantive Issues 589

1.The Plaintiff’s Cause of Action:Tort,Contract,or Resti-tution? 589

Seaman’s Direct Buying Service,Inc.v.Standard Oil Compa-ny of California 589

Notes 596

Problem:Expectation,Reliance or Restitution? 600

2.Elements of the Award 602

Bell v.City of Milwaukee 602

Notes 606

F.A Closer Look:Some Transsubstantive Issues—Continued 610

3.Measuring the Damages 610

(a) Value 610

Ohio v.Department of the Interior 610

Problems 619

Notes 620

(b) Time and Value 624

Redevelopment Agency of the City of Burbank v.Gil-more 624

Notes 627

Note,Interest as Damages in California 628

Notes 629

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Prejudg-ment Interest 630

Pretre v.United States 630

Notes 636

4.Limits on Recovery 639

(a) Avoidable Consequences and Offsetting Benefits 639

Munn v.Southern Health Plan,Inc 639

Notes 645

Notes on Offsetting Benefits 646

Charles J.Goetz & Robert E.Scott,Measuring Sellers’Damages:The Lost Profits Puzzle 646

Notes 647

(b) Foreseeability 648

Evra Corp.v.Swiss Bank Corp 648

Notes 655

(c) Certainty 657

Evergreen Amusement Corp.v.Milstead 657

Notes 659

5.Managing Damages Actions:The New Public Law Liti-gation? 660

Peter H.Schuck,The Role of Judges in Settling Complex Cases:The Agent Orange Example 660

Notes 665

Abram Chayes,The Role of the Judge in Public Law Litiga-tion 665

Richard L.Marcus,Public Law Litigation and Legal Schol-arship 665

Notes 669

Chapter 8.Collection of Monetary Judgments 671

A.Provisional Relief 671

Fuentes v.Shevin 671

Notes 680

Mitchell v.W.T. Grant Co 681

Notes 685

North Georgia Finishing,Inc.v.Di-Chem,Inc. 685

A.Provisional Relief—Continued Notes 689

B.Post-Judgment Relief 691

1.Basic Collection Strategy 691

James J.Brown,Collecting a Judgment 691

Notes 694

Kahn v.Berman 695

Notes 700

2.Exempt Property 701

Gutterman v.First National Bank of Anchorage 701

Notes 706

In the Matter of Carol J.v.William J 707

Notes 709

3.Foreclosure Sales 711

Griggs v.Miller 711

Notes 712

4.Body Execution 714

Landrigan v.McElroy 714

Notes 718

Chapter 9.Conduct of the Plaintiff:Bars to Obtaining Re-lief 719

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Plaintiff’s Conduct 720

A.Unclean Hands and In Pari Delicto 721

Keystone Driller Co.v.General Excavator Co 722

Notes 725

Clinton E.Worden & Co.v.California Fig Syrup Co 726

Notes 728

Bateman Eichler,Hill Richards,Inc.v.Berner 729

Notes 736

B.Estoppel 738

Johnson v.Williford 738

Notes 742

Note on the Government as Plaintiff 746

C.Laches and Statutes of Limitations 748

Saffron v.Department of the Navy 749

Shell v.Strong 752

Notes 756

Chapter 10.Attorneys’ Fees 759

A.The Power of the Court to Award Attorneys’ Fees 760

Problem:Country Lodge v.Miller (Reprised) Paying the Attorneys 760

Brandt v.Superior Court 762

Notes 767

B.The Parties That Congress Has Made Eligible for Attorneys’Fees 767

Texas State Teachers Association v.Garland Independent School District 768

B.The Parties That Congress Has Made Eligible for Attorneys’ Fees—Continued 772

Notes 772

C.The Measure of the Fees 775

1.What Work Is Compensable? 776

Sullivan v.Hudson 776

Notes 784

2.The Rate of Compensation 785

(a) Superior Performance 786

(b) Risk of Loss Contingency 787

(c) Contingency Fee Contract 789

Notes 790

D.Conflicts of Interest 792

In re Fine Paper Antitrust Litigation 792

Notes 798

Evans v.Jeff D 799

Notes 805

Appendix 808

Addendum:Missouri v.Jenkins 821


