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  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:吴建业编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7501214700
  • 标注页数:384 页
  • PDF页数:393 页



第一部分 雅思国际英语考试写作部分简介 1

Part 1:考试模式 2

Part 2:评分方法及标准 5

第二部分 写作与应试技巧 9

Part 1:写作基础知识 10

Part 2:主要结构模式介绍 15

Part 3:应试技巧 20

第三部分 全真试题观点、词汇、范文和阅读 25

Topic 1 How to choose the future career? 26

Topic 2 An Englishman killed a burglar 37

Topic 3 Customs and habits have changed 44

Topic 4 Will fast food replace traditional food? 55

Topic 5 Advantage and disadvantage of the Internet 62

Topic 6 Should monitors be installed? 69

Topic 7 Be encouraged to wear traditional clothes 78

Topic 8 Help the adventurer out or not? 90

Topic 9 Free trade or protectionism? 97

Topic 10 Mandatory retirement age 103

Topic 11 School or children s responsibility 112

Topic 12 Families are not as close as before 118

Topic 13 Is it fair to cover the private life? 126

Topic 14 Soap opera 134

Topic 15 The practice of euthanasia 142

Topic 16 The same holiday for all people 149

Topic 17 Overseas students uncomfortable 157

Topic 18 Good housewife and a career wife 167

Topic 19 Send children to nurseries earlier 177

Topic 20 Spend money on artistic projects 183

Topic 21 Sports are beneficial to health 190

Topic 22 Formal examination outdated 197

Topic 23 The demolition of old houses 204

Topic 24 Should animals suffer for humans? 211

Topic 25 Should capital punishment be abolished? 218

Topic 26 Computer translation 223

Topic 27 Boarding school or day school? 230

Topic 28 Advertisement be banned 237

Topic 29 Computer and calculator in class 245

Topic 30 Should students wear uniforms? 253

Topic 31 Compulsory military service 260

Topic 32 Computer games 269

Topic 33 Remain in school till 17 years old 276

Topic 34 Should raising pets be banned? 282

Topic 35 Pop stars high salary 289

Topic 36 Youth drug abuse 296

Topic 37 Should censorship be abolished? 303

Topic 38 Be responsible for the old 310

Topic 39 Study abroad 317

Topic 40 Corporal punishment 323

Topic 41 Smoking be banned in public 330

第四部分 议论文写作常用套语 337

第五部分 学生常犯错误汇编 357

A.词性使用不当 357

B.句子结构出错 359

C.标点和连接 362

D.时态和语态 363

E.主谓语和并列成分的一致 364

F.中式英语 368

G.重复累赘 370

H.非谓语动词(分词,不定式) 373

I.同义词、近义词及固定词组的搭配 375

J.其他 382

